Harbour X xHarbour

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como usar tbrowse cabezera detalle


Saludos a todos

si pudieran enviar un ejemplo de usar tbrowse cabezera detalle cuando busco en tbrowse cabezera busque en tbrowse detalle no se si me explique bien

agradesco de antemano





Prezados amigos:

Tem uma coisa esquisita que não estou entendendo...não faço ideia de onde configurar no Harbour.

Veja tela a seguir:

Ao pressionar a tecla F2 para consulta ao banco de dados a rotina antes salva através da função savescreen(). Veja tela abaixo:

Ao retornar para tela anterior, a mesma rotina que usou o savescreen() agora usa o restrscreen() para restaurar para o estado anterior da tela. Mas veja o que aconteceu:

Após a função restscreen() recuperar a tela anterior, aparece um monte de pontos de interrogação (????).

O que fazer para evitar isso? Alguém me dá uma luz, por gentileza?

Agradeço antecipadamente.

Hans Frank





Posta o código, geralmente


Posta o código, geralmente quando isso ocorre é pq vc esta restaurando áreas diferentes, exemplo fiz um savescreen para 0,0,24,79 e estou restaurando 1,0,23,79  veja se não é isso.





Al principio funciona bien, porque utiliza el código básico de caracteres,

cuando llamas la mencionada rutina, probablemente utiliza algún comando

preparado para utf-8; esto cambia a la correspondiente codificación UTF-8

(no recuerdo los códigos de página)

A mi me pasó eso, compilando mixto (consola y gráfico)

Funcionó bien cuando eliminé el comando de HMG equivalente que acepta códigos UTF

ó compilando solo consola (no recuerdo bien, creo que con ambos se corregía)

En el último caso no necesitas especificar el código de página (pone el básico)

Otra opción, supongo, sería especificar de entrada un código UTF y configurar

el editor de código para que marque la página como UTF-8 (sin esto último,

vas a escribir una cosa y te va mostrar otra cuando compiles)

Espero que todavía te sirva




" El GT por defecto es 'gtcgi


" El GT por defecto es 'gtcgi', excepto que se detecten llamadas CUI de
    pantalla completa, en cuyo caso el GT 'gtwin' se selecciona
    automáticamente (excepto para los INIT PROCEDURE). "



Basicamente a diferença é q


Basicamente a diferença é q um grupo de desenvolvedores resolveu manter um e não o outro por divergência de ideias e se não me engano o xHarbour tinha um pessoal q comercializava tb e fazia customizações mas atualmente o Harbour é mais atualizado.

Em relação a qual é melhor é complicado dizer, muitos até hoje usam o xHarbour e estão contentes, eu particularmente prefiro o Harbour.

Em relação a facilidade de aprendizado a linguagem é a mesma o q muda são as vezes algumas funções, ou seja, isso não será uma dificuldade.



Foto de Anderson
A diferença está no xdiff.txt


xHarbour offers many syntax extensions over Harbour and Clipper, including:


xHArbour supports passing an array element BYREF as a function argument.

SomeFunc( @aArray[ nIndex ] )

For sample usage please review tests\arrbyref.prg

The ASSOCIATE CLASS syntax allows the xHarbour developer to replace the
standard classes for native types with any alternative class, including
classes dervied from the standard classes. As well as complete support
for Operator Overloading for native types.



For sample usage please review tests\associat.prg


The OVERRIDE CLASS syntax allows the xHarbour developer to override the
behaviour of any existing class (including native type classes) using the
flowwing syntax:

OVERRIDE METHOD <SomeMethod> [IN] CLASS <SomeClass> WITH [METHOD] <SomeFunc>
[SCOPE <Scope>]

For sample usage please review tests\override.prg


The EXTEND CLASS syntax allows the xHarbour developer to extend any existing
class (including native type classes) using the flowwing syntax:

[SCOPE <Scope>] [<Persistent: PERSISTENT> ] [<Case: NOUPPER>]
EXTEND CLASS <SomeClass> WITH MESSAGE <SomeMessage> METHOD <SomeFunc>
EXTEND CLASS <SomeClass> WITH MESSAGE <SomeMessage> INLINE <SomeCode>

For sample usage please review tests\extend.prg

EXTENDABLE Native Types:

Native xHarbour types may be extended using the following syntax:


WITH MESSAGE <SomeMessage> METHOD <SomeFunc>

WITH MESSAGE <SomeMessage> INLINE <SomeCode>

The above will then allow utilization of native types as OOP Objects with
regard to the specified method[s].

[NOTE, you do not need to use ENABLE TYPE CLASS syntax to utilize this

For sample usage please review tests\exttype.prg

NATIVE Types as OOP objects:

You may usee the following syntax to anable OOP support for native types:



The above will allow usage as follow:

? 3:AsString + " apples."

All native types support the :AsString() method. Arrays support:

Add( xValue )
AddAll( oCollection )
AtIndex( nPos )
AtPut( nPos, xValue )
Append( xValue )
Collect( bCollect )
DeleteAt( nPos )
Do( bBlock )
IndexOf( xValue )
Init( nLen )
InsertAt( nPos, xValue )
Remove( xValue )
Scan( bScan )

as well as a simulated size property

Other types most notably CHARACTER will likely offer most of the above Array
support plus few additional methods.

BIT Operators:

xHarbour support (including compile time optimization) BIT operations:


Except for 'XOR' C syntax is used:
& == and
| == or
^^ == xor
>> == shift right
<< == shift left

Please NOTE that 'AND' (&) *requires* trailing white space, or else MACRO
Context will be assumed, to maintain Clipper compatability.

Please review tests\tstbitop.prg for a sample.

HASH Variable type:
Hashes are mainly arrays with non numerical keys

LOCAL hVar := Hash()
LOCAL hVar1 := { => } // Alternate hash declaration method.
LOCAL dDate := ctod( "02/01/2004" )

// complete charset & case sensitive
// string key support (case sens. can be turned on/off)
hVar[ e"first Key\n" ] := 10

// Date key support!!
hVar[ dDate ] := 20

// Non integer numerical key support
hVar[ 25.2 ] := 30

// Set operation support
hVar1 := hVar - { dDate => 0 } // removing dDate key

For more deails, see doc/hash.txt

XML Support:
hFile := FOpen( cFileName )

xmlDoc := TXmlDocument():New( hFile )
xmlNode := xmlDoc:oRoot:oChild
cXml := xmlNode:Path()

// there are methods to find nodes (but also attributes, values and data):
xmlNode := xmlDoc:FindFirstRegex( cNode )
// to modify them:
xmlNode:SetAttribute( "Name", "MyNode" )
// or to add them
xmlNode:InsertAfter( TXmlNode:New(HBXML_TYPE_TAG, "ANewNode" ) )

// and to write them back
hFile := FCreate( "output.xml" )
xmlDoc:Write( hFile )

More details in doc/hbxml.txt

Indirect execution support:

Other than codeblocks, xHarbour provides the inderect execution function
HB_ExecFromArray() that has the following syntax:

HB_ExecFromArray( cFuncName, [aParams] ) --> result
HB_ExecFromArray( @nFuncId(), [aParams] ) --> result
HB_ExecFromArray( bCodeBlock, [aParams] ) --> result
HB_ExecFromArray( oObject, cMethodName, [aParams] ) --> result
HB_ExecFromArray( oObject, nMethodID, [aParams] ) --> result
HB_ExecFromArray( aExecutableArray ) --> result

Other array parameter in HB_ExecFromArray past the function name or address,
the codeblock or the object and method identifier is directly passed as
that function, codeblock or method parameters (element 1 being the first
parameter and so on); the return of the function, codeblock or method,
if present, is returned.

An executable array is an array that has the elements structured as the other
HB_ExecFromArray function calls:

{ cFuncName, param1, ..., paramN }
{ @nFuncId(), param1, ..., paramN }
{ bCodeBlock, param1, ..., paramN }
{ oObject, cMethodName, param1, ..., paramN }
{oObject, nMethodID, param1, ..., paramN }

For more details, see doc/en/indirect.txt

Portable Service-like startup:
HB_Service( .T. )
puts the calling process in background.

Process some task in main application loop for non I/O
based program (as services), like i.e. Windows message
handling and GC collecting (can be used from any
platform, it's duty varies from platform to platform).

#include "hblog.ch"

[FILE([nFilPrio [,cFileName[,nFileSize[,nFileCount] ] ] ] ) ] ;
[CONSOLE( [nConPrio] ) ] ;
[MONITOR( [nMonPrio [,nMonPort] ] ) ] ;
[SYSLOG( [nSysPrio [,nSysId] ] ) ] ;
[EMAIL ([nEmaPrio [,cHelo[,cServer[,cDest[,cSubject[,cFrom]]]]]])] ;
[DEBUG ( [nDebugPrio [,nMaxDebugPrio]] )] ;
[NAME cName]

LOG xVar1, ... , xVarn [PRIO[RITY] nPriorityLevel ]


Read doc/hblog.txt for further details; hblog system has also a
function API to access the standard logger and an object oriented custom
log object support.

Protable signal and error handling system:

#include "hb_serv.ch"

HB_PushSignalHandler( nSignalMask, @SigHandler() )
HB_PushSignalHandler( nSignalMask, "SigHandlerFuncName" )
HB_PushSignalHandler( nSignalMask, {| aEvent | SigHandler Codeblock} )

In case any of the nSignalMask signals or error are received, the SigHandler
function is called with an array of low level system dependant data.


Removes a previously pushed signal hanlder.

Interprets some important Windows WM_ messages as signals to be handled
by signal handlers.

See doc/hbsignal.txt for further details.

OOP Macros:

Objects now support macros:


- <Obj>:&Macro
- <Obj>:&Macro.Suffix
- <Obj>:&( <MacroExp> )

WITH OBJECT now supports macros:


- :&Macro
- :&Macro.Suffix
- :&( <MacroExp> )

Extended Literal Strings:

xHarbour introduces a new kind of literal strings known as "Extended
Literal Strings".



The literal string may contain Escape Codes following the C language
conventions, like:

\n -> New Line character.
\t -> Tab character.
\r -> CR character.
\" -> literal <"> character.
\' -> literal <'> character.
\\ -> literal <\> character.

PERSISTENT Codeblocks:

Codeblocks may be persisted. Persisted Blocks must be restored within an
Application containing the Compiled Module which the original Block was
created at.


HB_SaveBlock( <Block> ) -> PersistedBlock Stream

HB_RestoreBlock( <PersistedBlock> ) -> Block

Module Scope:

OOP Scoping supports PRIVATE/HIDDEN, PROTECTED, and READONLY scopes. Classes
sharing the SAME compilation unit may freely access such restricted access
Members, without causing any scope violation.

Properties by Reference:

Instance Variables of Objects may be passed by REFERENCE to Functions and


SomeFunction( @<SomeObj>:<SomeVar> )

Associative Arrays:

Associative Arrays are like LITE Objects. Properties may be added on the fly
without any declaration, much like new PRIVATE or PUBLIC can be created by
simply assigning a value.

Associative Arrays, may use Objects Syntax (':' operator) or Array Index Syntax
('[]' operator) with the Property Name as the INDEX.

New Property will automatically be created upon first assignment.


<lValue> := TAssociativeArray()

<AA>[ "<NewProperty>" ] := <xValue>
<AA>:<NewProperty> := <xValue>

<AA>[ "<Property>" ]

SWITCH syntax:

CASE <Constant>

[More Cases ...]


NOTE: This syntax is modeled after the C 'switch' flow control. It offers
great speed benefit [30-300%] over DO CASE flow control, but is
restricted to comparing only constants.

Constants may be: Numerics (only Integers, Longs), Single Character,
Strings [much like in C], and any combination of the above using the
following operators:

+, -, & (BIT and), and | (BIT or)

Additionally valid contants may be
enclosed within ().

WARNING: Those NOT familiar with the C switch flow control, should understand
that unlike DO CASE, you MUST explicitly use the EXIT statement or
else logic will FALL THROUGH to the NEXT CASE, until stopped at a
EXIT, or END statements.

At first this might seem VERY ODD, but it provides great flexibility
exactly like the C model.

See tests/switch.prg to for a sample and to learn how the FALL-THROUGH
logic works.

Multi Threading (MT) Support:

xHarbour supports MT applications. There is still some more work to be done,
but you can already take advantage of this very powerful feature.

Basic sample can be found at:



StartThread ( @MyThreadFunc() [, xParam1 [,xParamN ] ] )



NOTE: MT Application must link against the MT versions of the Libraries, i.e.
vmmt.lib, rtlmt.lib, ppmt.lib, rddmt.lib, dbfntxmt.lib, and dbfcdxmt.lib.

The full description of MT is beyond the scope of this document; see more
in doc/thread.txt and doc/xhbt_internals.txt

Portable Sockets Support:

LOCAL Socket

Socket := InetConnect( "www.host.com", nPort )
Socket := InetSend( "Hello from me" )
InetClsoe( Socket )

The full description is beyond the scope of this document; see doc/inet.txt
for further details.

Perl-5 compatible RegEx:

xHarbour includes PCRE which is a full feature, Perl 5 compatible, Regular
Expression engine. Full feature Search & Replace classes are currently under
construction, but you may already use the full power of RegEx searches,
new operators, HAS and LIKE.

cExp HAS cPatern|RegEx => bFound
cExp LIKE cPatern|RegEx => bLike

As well as full featured Functions:

HB_Atx( <cRegEx>, <cTargetString> [, lCaseSensitive [, [@]nStart ]
[, [@]nLen ] ] ] ) => cFoundText

RegexComp( cPattern, [bCaseSens [, bNewLine]] ) --> REGEX

HB_Regex( cPattern, cString, [bCaseSens, [, bNewLine]] ) --> aMatches

HB_RegexMatch( cPattern, cString, [bCaseSens, [, bNewLine]] ) --> bFound

TRY syntax:

[THROW( <Exp> )]
[CATCH [<CatcherVar>]]

The above is very similar to Clipper BEGIN SEQ, BREAK(), RECOVER USING, END,
but is more inline with more "modern" languages, and dismisses the need to
worry about Error Codeblock.

CATCH is optional, and <CatcherVar> is optional, even when CATCH is used.

FINALLY is optional, and if specified code within the FINALLY section is
guranteed to be executed after the TRY section has been executed, and the
CATCH section if activated, unless the CATCH section throws an UNHANDLED
Error. This means that the FINALLY section will be executed even if the CATCH
section re-throws the error, or attempt to RETURN. In such cases the requested
operation which forces OUT of the the TRY section will be deffered until AFTER
the FINALLY section has been completed.

IN operator: ------------

<Exp> IN <Array_or_StringExp> => .T./.F.

The IN operator is very similar to the $ operator, but is valid on *both*
Strings and Arrays. IN is much faster than the equivalent:

aScan( <Array>, <Exp> ) > 0

Variable Parameters syntax:

Function <cFuncName>( ... )

The above definition allows this Function to receive up to 254 parameters.
You may retrieve an ARRAY with all the parameters using:


The above is appropriate for such functions that may receive any number of
generic parameters, which normally will then be processed in a loop, or with
hard coded IF statements based on PCount(). Instead the above is much easier to
code, requires less memory, and is faster than
declaring the parameters.

GLOBAL variables:

GLOBAL <Id1> [,<Id2> [,<IdN>]]

GLOBAL Variables are a new kind of a declared variables. They have PUBLIC like
visibility, but are faster than even STATICs. GLOBALs can be referenced from
other modules.


GLOBAL EXTERNAL <Id1> [,<Id2> [,<IdN>]]

GLOBAL Variables have the added benefit of being *directly* accessible from C
code too.

True C Type Structures:

C STRUCTURE <strucName> [Align <align>]
[ MEMBER <memberName> IS <CTYPEDEF> ]
[ MEMBER <memberName[<arrayLength>]> IS <CTYPEDEF> ]
[ MEMBER <memberName> IS <CTYPEDEF>(<arrayLength>) ]
[ MEMBER <memberName> IS|INPLACE <strucName> ]
[ MEMBER <memberName> AS <strucName> ]
[ ... ]

C Structure can be passed *directly* TO and FROM C code. The full description
is beyond the scope of this document - please refer to cstruct.txt in doc



HB_QWith() can also be used to retrieve the current WITH OBJECT within a

HB_SetWith() may be used to SET or RESET the value of the WITH OBJECT
from an expression, much like the WITH OBJECT construct.

The above syntax not only saves typing, but is also MUCH faster than
equivalent conventional coding.

FOR EACH Syntax:

// <ElementOrProperty> must be a declared variable.
FOR EACH <ElementOrProperty> IN <ArrayOrObject>
// ElementOrProperty holds value of each respective element or property.
HB_EnumIndex() // Returns current Position Index.

The FOR EACH syntax is not only more elegant than:

FOR Counter := 1 TO Len(Array)
Element := Array[Counter]

but is also MUCH faster - and it also supports enumerating all properties in
an object.

Full access to OLE Servers:

CreateObject( "ServerName" ) => oOleObject
Create new instance of an Ole Server.

GetActiveObject( "ServerName" ) => oOleObject
Get existing instance of an Ole Server.

All documented methods and properties of such Server should be directly

Strings may be indexed like arrays:


String as Array Index can also accepts a numeric as an assigned value:

<StringExp>[<IndexExp>] := 65 // Same as := 'A'

String Index and all Strings of 1 character length automatically carry a
secondary CHAR type, which means they are also compatible with numeric

cVar := "hello"; cVar[1] -= 32 // -> "Hello"

Negative Array Index:
Both Arrays and Strings may be indexed with negative numbers (Reversed),
where -1 indexes the LAST Element (or NIL if the Array is empty):

cVar[-1] // => "o"

// assuming cVar is the value "Hello" as per above.

#[x]uncommand and #[x]untranslate directives:

#uncommand and #untranslate directives allow the removal of a given rule from
the active rules used by the Pre-Processor. It is very much like the #undefine

Extended macro support:


will compile correctly even if cMacro is a declared var.


String additions is more than 50 times faster than Harbour.

PCODE based optimized SubStr(), Left(), and Right() functions.

Much optimized code for FOR LOOPs, :=, +=, -=, -, +, when involving declared
variables and numeric values.

Optimized WHILE .T. loops.

The underlying ITEM API has been rewritten (source/vm/fastitem.c) and is far
faster and consumes much less memory.

Much extended Expression Optimizer produces faster code for common functions,
and code notations. For example, it will automatically convert:

aTail( <aArray> ) to aArray[-1]
SubStr( <cString>, X, 1 ) to cString[X]

which will execute much faster than the above common code.

Optimized generation of Line numbers and other similar optimizations which
end up in producing smaller and faster executables.

Built-in support for SET TRACE [On|Off] and TraceLog() function.

Optimized and extended Garbage Collector.

Optimized OOP system.

Full support for Clipper undocumented OOP internals (not available in Harbour).

Built-in support for OLE in Win32.

Enhanced aIns() and aDel() dismiss need for subsequent [common] aSize().

New HB_FuncPtr(), HB_ObjMsgPtr() and HB_Exec().

The xHarbour Run-Time library was re-written to take advantage of all above
syntax extensions, and is taking full advantage of the resulting speed


HB_Qself() returns correct QSelf() even from inside Codeblocks (inline

@ x,y GET &xMacro.Suffix
-> Clipper complains: Error C2081 Macro of declared symbol.

@ x,y GET &( xMacro )
-> Clipper complains: Error C2047 GET contains complex macro.

@ x,y GET &( xMacro )[...]
-> Clipper complains: Error C2047 GET contains complex macro.

xHarbour is about twice as fast as Clipper on most common operations
[excluding console screen output and DBF access], and about 25% to 1000%
faster than Harbour.

xHarbour should compile and execute all valid Clipper and Harbour code,
without any modifications - such code will be automatically optimized to take
advantage of xHarbour extensions.


Usando xHarbour v1.2.3 Rev. 10264 + BCC 5.8, DBFCDX e SIBRA para imprimir relatórios.