Exemplo de tratamento do arquivo do pedido iFood para Harbour ou xHarbour baixado:
#include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" FUNCTION ImportaArquivo( cFileName) LOCAL aPagamento, aItem, aSubItem, aBenefits, aShipValues aPedido := hb_JsonDecode( hb_MemoRead( cFileName ) ) // Este é o arquivo JSON xFormaE := aPedido[ "orderType" ] xFormaE := IIF( xFormaE = "DELIVERY", 'D' ,IF(xFormaE = "INDOOR", 'M' , 'B' )) // Delivery = entrega Pickup = balcao Indoor = Mesa xDataEnt:= xDataE := "" xID := aPedido[ "id" ] xTipoVe := AllTrim( aPedido[ "orderType" ] ) lErro := .T. BEGIN SEQUENCE WITH __BreakBlock() zmesa := aPedido[ "indoor" ][ "table" ] xFormaE := IF( xFormaE = "M" .AND. zMesa = "BALCAO", "B", "M" ) lErro := .F. ENDSEQUENCE IF lErro zmesa := "" ENDIF xQuando := IF( aPedido[ "orderTiming" ] = "IMMEDIATE",'I','P') // Delivery/Entrega Imediata ou Programada xCanal := aPedido[ "salesChannel" ] xDataRet:= IF( xQuando = "I","IMEDIATA","") // Dados da Entrega DELIVERY IF xFormaE = "D" xModo := aPedido[ "delivery" ][ "mode" ] xQuemE := aPedido[ "delivery" ][ "deliveredBy" ] zdata := aPedido[ "delivery" ][ "deliveryDateTime" ] xDataRet:= IIF( xQuando = "I","IMEDIATA","") xEndere := aPedido[ "delivery" ][ "deliveryAddress" ][ "formattedAddress" ] xEndere := Upper( XmlTransform( xEndere ) ) xBairro := Upper( XmlTransform( Trim( aPedido[ "delivery" ][ "deliveryAddress" ][ "neighborhood" ] ))) lErro := .T. BEGIN SEQUENCE WITH __BreakBlock() xcomple := Trim(Upper( XmlTransform(( aPedido[ "delivery" ][ "deliveryAddress" ][ "complement" ])))) xEndere := xEndere + " "+xcomple lErro := .F. ENDSEQUENCE IF lErro xcomple := "" ENDIF lErro := .T. BEGIN SEQUENCE WITH __BreakBlock() xRefere := Trim(Upper( XmlTransform(( aPedido[ "delivery" ][ "deliveryAddress" ][ "reference" ])))) lErro := .F. ENDSEQUENCE IF lErro xRefere := "" ENDIF xCEP := aPedido[ "delivery" ][ "deliveryAddress" ][ "postalCode" ] xCidade := Trim(Upper( aPedido[ "delivery" ][ "deliveryAddress" ][ "city" ])) xLatitud:= aPedido[ "delivery" ][ "deliveryAddress" ][ "coordinates" ][ "latitude" ] xLongtud:= aPedido[ "delivery" ][ "deliveryAddress" ][ "coordinates" ][ "longitude" ] ENDIF zPedido := aPedido[ "displayId" ] zdata := aPedido[ "createdAt" ] xData := DateFromJson( zData ) xHora := Substr(zdata,12,5) zdata := aPedido[ "preparationStartDateTime" ] // Dados do Cliente xIDCli := aPedido[ "customer" ][ "id" ] xNome := Upper( XmlTransform (aPedido[ "customer" ][ "name" ] ) ) lErro := .T. BEGIN SEQUENCE WITH __BreakBlock() xTelefone := aPedido[ "customer" ][ "phone" ][ "localizer" ] lErro := .F. ENDSEQUENCE IF lErro xTelefone := zPedido ENDIF xIDpedi := aPedido[ "customer" ][ "ordersCountOnMerchant" ] lErro := .T. BEGIN SEQUENCE WITH __BreakBlock() xCPF := aPedido[ "customer" ][ "documentNumber" ] lErro := .F. ENDSEQUENCE IF lErro xCPF := "" ENDIF // Dados da Retirada PICKUP_AREA IF xTipoVe = "TAKEOUT" xModoRet:= aPedido[ "takeout" ][ "mode" ] zdata := aPedido[ "takeout" ][ "takeoutDateTime" ] xDataRet:= Dtoc(DateFromJson( zData ) ) +" as "+Substr(zdata,12,5)+"hs." lErro := .T. BEGIN SEQUENCE WITH __BreakBlock() xObsRet := aPedido[ "takeout" ][ "observations" ] lErro := .F. ENDSEQUENCE IF lErro xObsRet := "" ENDIF ENDIF // Dados da Mesa INDOOR xObsI := "" IF xFormaE = "M" xModoI := aPedido[ "indoor" ][ "mode" ] xmesaI := Val( Subst( aPedido[ "indoor" ][ "table" ],5,3 ) ) zdata := aPedido[ "indoor" ][ "deliveryDateTime" ] xDataI := Dtoc( DateFromJson( zData ) )+" as "+Substr(zdata,12,5) xObsI := aPedido[ "indoor" ][ "observations" ] xDataret:= Dtoc( DateFromJson( zData ) ) +" as "+Substr(zdata,12,5)+"hs." xObsI := Dtoc( DateFromJson( zData ) ) +" as "+Substr(zdata,12,5)+"hs." ENDIF // Dados da Data e ENTREGA Programada (scheduled) IF xQuando = "P" .AND. xFormaE # "M" zdata1 := aPedido[ "schedule" ][ "deliveryDateTimeStart" ] zdata := aPedido[ "schedule" ][ "deliveryDateTimeEnd" ] xDataret:= Dtoc( DateFromJson( zData ) ) +" das "+Substr(zdata1,12,5)+" as "+Substr(zdata,12,5)+"hs." ENDIF // Dados do Desconto BENEFITS nDesResta:=nDesIfood:=nTotal:=0;kObsVal:="" BEGIN SEQUENCE WITH __BreakBlock() FOR EACH aBenefits IN aPedido[ "benefits" ] nTotal += aBenefits[ "value" ] FOR EACH aShipValues IN aBenefits[ "sponsorshipValues" ] IF aShipValues[ "name" ] == "MERCHANT" IF aShipValues[ "value" ] # 0 nDesResta += aShipValues[ "value" ] kObsVal += "- VOUCHER_RESTAURANTE- R$ "+AllTrim(Str(aShipValues[ "value" ],10,2)) ENDIF ELSE nDesIfood += aShipValues[ "value" ] IF aShipValues[ "value" ] # 0 kObsVal += "- VOUCHER_IFOOD- R$ "+AllTrim(Str(aShipValues[ "value" ],10,2)) ENDIF ENDIF NEXT NEXT ENDSEQUENCE // Totais xSubTo := aPedido[ "total" ][ "subTotal" ] xTaxa := aPedido[ "total" ][ "deliveryFee" ] xDesco := aPedido[ "total" ][ "benefits" ] xPedcl := aPedido[ "total" ][ "orderAmount" ] // Forma Pagamento xPagoPG:= aPedido[ "payments" ][ "prepaid" ] xApagar:= aPedido[ "payments" ][ "pending" ] KobsPag:= "PAGAMENTO "
Caso tenha dificuldade em linkar a lib de conversão do JSon para Hash, use esta função abaixo que faz o mesmo:
Function JSontoHash( cStringJson ) /*** * Converte string formato Json em Hash */ Local hJson := {=>} cStringJson := StrTran( cStringJson,':[','=>{') cStringJson := StrTran( cStringJson,'":"','" => "') cStringJson := StrTran( cStringJson,'[','{') cStringJson := StrTran( cStringJson,']','}') cStringJson := StrTran( cStringJson,'":null','"=>nil') cStringJson := StrTran( cStringJson,'":true' ,'"=>.t.' ) cStringJson := StrTran( cStringJson,'":false','"=>.f.') cStringJson := StrTran( cStringJson,'":','"=>') cStringJson := StrTran( cStringJson,"\/","/" ) hJSon := &( cStringJson ) Return hJson
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