Às vezes o HBMK2 reclama da falta de alguma biblioteca e dá uma dica, como, por exemplo: (quinze_2.pdf)
Veja a dica:
1 | hbmk2: Dica: Adicionar opção 'hbnf.hbc' faltando nas funções: ft_Rand1() |
Neste caso, o comum é adicionar o arquivo faltante em um arquivo de projeto. Por exemplo, o programa abaixo eu compilei
usando 'HBMK2 QUINZE.PRG' e indicou a falta de uma função, sugerindo acrescentar o arquivo 'hbnf.hbc' à compilação.
Para resolver isso criei um arquivo 'quinze.hbp' (aquivo de projeto) com o seguinte conteúdo e compilei com 'hbmk2 quinze.hbp':
1 2 | hbnf.hbc quinze.prg |
Com isso o HBMK2 encontra as funções faltantes e compila corretamente.
Programa quinze.prg (é um jogo -sliding puzzle game- onde você tem que colocar as peças na posição correta):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 | #include "" #include "" procedure Main() // console init SET SCOREBOARD OFF SetMode(30,120) ret := 0 // main loop yn := .T. DO WHILE yn == .T. // draw console cls @ 0, 0 TO MaxRow(), MaxCol() DOUBLE SetColor( "BG+/B,W/N" ) @ 0, 4 SAY " Sliding puzzle game " SetColor() // input size of grid tam := 0 @ MaxRow() - 2, 4 SAY "Tamanho do grid: " GET tam PICTURE "9" READ // Initialize numbers lista := ARRAY (tam * tam) FOR z := 1 TO tam * tam lista[z] := z NEXT lista1 := lista grid := ARRAY (tam,tam) // populate grid with numbers FOR i := 1 TO tam FOR j := 1 TO tam grid[i,j] := lista1[ (i-1) * tam + j] NEXT NEXT Mostra(@grid) InKey(0) // initialize the game n := 0 t := 0 lista := lista1 // lista for scrambling, lista1 preserve numbers in order DO WHILE .T. // scrambling numbers FOR i := 1 TO tam*tam n := Int ( ft_Rand1(tam * tam - 1) + 1 ) t := lista[n] lista[n] := lista[i] lista[i] := t NEXT // have solution? possp := 0 invct := 0 // change counter FOR i := 1 TO tam * tam -1 IF lista[i] != tam*tam FOR j := i + 1 TO tam * tam IF lista[j] != tam*tam IF lista[i] > lista[j] invct++ ENDIF ENDIF NEXT ELSE possp := i ENDIF NEXT linv := If( ( (invct % 2) == 0 ), .T., .F.) lkin := If( ( (tam - Int( (possp -1) / tam )) % 2) == 0, .T., .F. ) IF ( (tam % 2) != 0) // if grid size is odd IF linv // if number of positions changes is even, solvable EXIT ELSE LOOP // if is odd, not solvable, scramble more ENDIF // if grid size is even ELSE // If changes is even and space position is in odd line // or changes is odd and space position is in even line // (XOR condition) is solvable IF (linv .AND. !lkin) .OR. (!linv .AND. lkin) // XOR !!! EXIT ElSE // else scramble more LOOP ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO // populate the grid with scrambled numbers FOR i := 1 TO tam FOR j := 1 TO tam grid[i,j] := lista[ (i-1) * tam + j] NEXT NEXT ret := Mostra(@grid) // play key := 0 DO WHILE LastKey() != K_ESC key := 0 // find the space coords xe := 0 ye := 0 lv := tam*tam FOR i := 1 TO tam FOR j := 1 TO tam IF grid[i,j] == lv xe :=i ye :=j ENDIF NEXT NEXT // the direction keys key := inkey(0) DO CASE CASE key == K_UP IF xe > 1 grid[xe,ye] := grid[xe-1,ye] grid[xe-1,ye] := lv ENDIF ret := Mostra(@grid) CASE key == K_DOWN IF xe < tam grid[xe,ye] := grid[xe+1,ye] grid[xe+1,ye] := lv ENDIF ret := Mostra(@grid) CASE key == K_LEFT IF ye > 1 grid[xe,ye] := grid[xe,ye-1] grid[xe,ye-1] := lv ENDIF ret := Mostra(@grid) CASE key == K_RIGHT IF ye < tam grid[xe,ye] := grid[xe,ye+1] grid[xe,ye+1] := lv ENDIF ret := Mostra(@grid) ENDCASE IF ret == tam*tam-1 // ret is qtty numbers in position @ MaxRow() - 3, 4 SAY "Solucionado!" // if ret == (size*size) -1 key := K_ESC // all numbers in position EXIT // game solved ENDIF ENDDO @ MaxRow() - 2, 4 SAY "Novo jogo??? (yn): " GET yn PICTURE "Y" READ cls @ MaxRow() - 3, 4 SAY " " ENDDO return NIL FUNCTION Mostra(grid) // Show the gris fim := 0 // how many numbers in position? SetColor( "BG+/B,W/N" ) @ 5,10 , 5 + tam * 2, 9 + tam * 4 BOX B_SINGLE + Space(1) i := 0 FOR y := 1 TO tam FOR x := 1 TO tam IF grid[x,y] == tam * tam // show space SetColor( " B/GR+, W/N" ) @ x*2 + 4, i + 11 SAY " " SetColor( "BG+/B,W/N" ) ELSE IF ( (x-1) * tam + y ) == grid[x,y] // show number in position SetColor( "W/G,W/N" ) @ x*2 + 4, i + 11 SAY grid[x,y] PICTURE "99" fim++ ELSE // show number out position SetColor( "BG+/B,W/N" ) @ x*2 + 4, i + 11 SAY grid[x,y] PICTURE "99" ENDIF ENDIF NEXT i = i + 4 NEXT SetColor( " W/N, BG+/B" ) RETURN fim |

Esse programa eu fiz para
Esse programa eu fiz para colocar no "Rosetta.code" is external)