Às vezes o HBMK2 reclama da falta de alguma biblioteca e dá uma dica, como, por exemplo: (quinze_2.pdf)
Veja a dica:
hbmk2: Dica: Adicionar opção 'hbnf.hbc' faltando nas funções: ft_Rand1()
Neste caso, o comum é adicionar o arquivo faltante em um arquivo de projeto. Por exemplo, o programa abaixo eu compilei
usando 'HBMK2 QUINZE.PRG' e indicou a falta de uma função, sugerindo acrescentar o arquivo 'hbnf.hbc' à compilação.
Para resolver isso criei um arquivo 'quinze.hbp' (aquivo de projeto) com o seguinte conteúdo e compilei com 'hbmk2 quinze.hbp':
hbnf.hbc quinze.prg
Com isso o HBMK2 encontra as funções faltantes e compila corretamente.
Programa quinze.prg (é um jogo -sliding puzzle game- onde você tem que colocar as peças na posição correta):
#include "" #include "" procedure Main() // console init SET SCOREBOARD OFF SetMode(30,120) ret := 0 // main loop yn := .T. DO WHILE yn == .T. // draw console cls @ 0, 0 TO MaxRow(), MaxCol() DOUBLE SetColor("BG+/B,W/N") @ 0, 4 SAY " Sliding puzzle game " SetColor() // input size of grid tam := 0 @ MaxRow() - 2, 4 SAY "Tamanho do grid: " GET tam PICTURE "9" READ // Initialize numbers lista := ARRAY (tam * tam) FOR z := 1 TO tam * tam lista[z] := z NEXT lista1 := lista grid := ARRAY (tam,tam) // populate grid with numbers FOR i := 1 TO tam FOR j := 1 TO tam grid[i,j] := lista1[ (i-1) * tam + j] NEXT NEXT Mostra(@grid) InKey(0) // initialize the game n := 0 t := 0 lista := lista1 // lista for scrambling, lista1 preserve numbers in order DO WHILE .T. // scrambling numbers FOR i := 1 TO tam*tam n := Int ( ft_Rand1(tam * tam - 1) + 1 ) t := lista[n] lista[n] := lista[i] lista[i] := t NEXT // have solution? possp := 0 invct := 0 // change counter FOR i := 1 TO tam * tam -1 IF lista[i] != tam*tam FOR j := i + 1 TO tam * tam IF lista[j] != tam*tam IF lista[i] > lista[j] invct++ ENDIF ENDIF NEXT ELSE possp := i ENDIF NEXT linv := If( ( (invct % 2) == 0 ), .T., .F.) lkin := If( ( (tam - Int( (possp -1) / tam )) % 2) == 0, .T., .F. ) IF ( (tam % 2) != 0) // if grid size is odd IF linv // if number of positions changes is even, solvable EXIT ELSE LOOP // if is odd, not solvable, scramble more ENDIF // if grid size is even ELSE // If changes is even and space position is in odd line // or changes is odd and space position is in even line // (XOR condition) is solvable IF (linv .AND. !lkin) .OR. (!linv .AND. lkin) // XOR !!! EXIT ElSE // else scramble more LOOP ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO // populate the grid with scrambled numbers FOR i := 1 TO tam FOR j := 1 TO tam grid[i,j] := lista[ (i-1) * tam + j] NEXT NEXT ret := Mostra(@grid) // play key := 0 DO WHILE LastKey() != K_ESC key := 0 // find the space coords xe := 0 ye := 0 lv := tam*tam FOR i := 1 TO tam FOR j := 1 TO tam IF grid[i,j] == lv xe :=i ye :=j ENDIF NEXT NEXT // the direction keys key := inkey(0) DO CASE CASE key == K_UP IF xe > 1 grid[xe,ye] := grid[xe-1,ye] grid[xe-1,ye] := lv ENDIF ret := Mostra(@grid) CASE key == K_DOWN IF xe < tam grid[xe,ye] := grid[xe+1,ye] grid[xe+1,ye] := lv ENDIF ret := Mostra(@grid) CASE key == K_LEFT IF ye > 1 grid[xe,ye] := grid[xe,ye-1] grid[xe,ye-1] := lv ENDIF ret := Mostra(@grid) CASE key == K_RIGHT IF ye < tam grid[xe,ye] := grid[xe,ye+1] grid[xe,ye+1] := lv ENDIF ret := Mostra(@grid) ENDCASE IF ret == tam*tam-1 // ret is qtty numbers in position @ MaxRow() - 3, 4 SAY "Solucionado!" // if ret == (size*size) -1 key := K_ESC // all numbers in position EXIT // game solved ENDIF ENDDO @ MaxRow() - 2, 4 SAY "Novo jogo??? (yn): " GET yn PICTURE "Y" READ cls @ MaxRow() - 3, 4 SAY " " ENDDO return NIL FUNCTION Mostra(grid) // Show the gris fim := 0 // how many numbers in position? SetColor("BG+/B,W/N") @ 5,10 , 5 + tam * 2, 9 + tam * 4 BOX B_SINGLE + Space(1) i := 0 FOR y := 1 TO tam FOR x := 1 TO tam IF grid[x,y] == tam * tam // show space SetColor(" B/GR+, W/N") @ x*2 + 4, i + 11 SAY " " SetColor("BG+/B,W/N") ELSE IF ( (x-1) * tam + y ) == grid[x,y] // show number in position SetColor("W/G,W/N") @ x*2 + 4, i + 11 SAY grid[x,y] PICTURE "99" fim++ ELSE // show number out position SetColor("BG+/B,W/N") @ x*2 + 4, i + 11 SAY grid[x,y] PICTURE "99" ENDIF ENDIF NEXT i = i + 4 NEXT SetColor(" W/N, BG+/B") RETURN fim

Esse programa eu fiz para
Esse programa eu fiz para colocar no "Rosetta.code"