Harbour core
Welcome to Harbour A starter's guide
The Garbage Collector Readme for Harbour Garbage Collect Feature
The idle states Readme file for Idle States
Do() Calls a procedure or a function
hb_PValue() Retrieves the value of an argument.
PCount() Retrieves the number of arguments passed to a function.
ProcFile() This function always returns an empty string.
ProcLine() Gets the line number of the current function on the stack.
ProcName() Gets the name of the current function on the stack
AAdd() Dynamically add an element to an array
AClone() Duplicate a multidimensional array
ACopy() Copy elements from one array to another
ADel() Delete an element from an array.
AEval() Evaluates the subscript element of an array
AFill() Fill an array with a specified value
AIns() Insert a NIL value at an array subscript position.
Array() Create an uninitialized array of specified length
AScan() Scan array elements for a specified condition
ASize() Adjust the size of an array
ASort() Sort an array
ATail() Returns the last element of an array
hb_ADel() Delete an element from an array.
hb_AIns() Inserts a value at an array subscript position and optionally increases the length of array.
hb_AScan() Scan array elements for a specified condition
HBClass() HBClass() is used in the creation of all classes
Bin2I() Convert signed short encoded bytes into Harbour numeric
Bin2L() Convert signed long encoded bytes into Harbour numeric
Bin2W() Convert unsigned short encoded bytes into Harbour numeric
Descend() Inverts an expression of string, logical, date or numeric type.
I2Bin() Convert Harbour numeric into signed short encoded bytes
L2Bin() Convert Harbour numeric into signed long encoded bytes
Word() Converts double to integer values.
__dbCopyStruct() Create a new database based on current database structure
__dbCopyXStruct() Copy current database structure into a definition file
__dbCreate() Create structure extended file or use one to create new file
__dbDelim() Copies the contents of a database to a delimited text file or appends the contents of a delimited text file to a database.
__dbSDF() Copies the contents of a database to an SDF text file or appends the contents of an SDF text file to a database.
__dbStructFilter() Filter a database structure array
__FLedit()* Filter a database structure array
AFields()* Fills referenced arrays with database field information
Alias() Returns the alias name of a work area
Bof() Test for the beginning-of-file condition
dbAppend() Appends a new record to a database file.
dbClearFilter() Clears the current filter condition in a work area
dbCloseAll() Close all open files in all work areas.
dbCloseArea() Close a database file in a work area.
dbCommit() Updates all index and database buffers for a given work area
dbCommitAll() Flushes the memory buffer and performs a hard-disk write
dbCreate() Creates an empty database from a array.
dbDelete() Mark a record for deletion in a database.
dbFilter() Return the filter expression in a work area
dbGoBottom() Moves the record pointer to the bottom of the database.
dbGoto() Position the record pointer to a specific location.
dbGoTop() Moves the record pointer to the top of the database.
dbRecall() Recalls a record previously marked for deletion.
dbRLock() This function locks the record based on identity
dbRLockList() This function return a list of locked records in the database work area
dbRUnlock() Unlocks a record based on its identifier
dbSeek() Searches for a value based on an active index.
dbSelectArea() Change to another work area
dbSetDriver() Establishes the RDD name for the selected work area
dbSetFilter() Establishes a filter condition for a work area.
dbSkip() Moves the record pointer in the selected work area.
dbStruct() Creates a multidimensional array of a database structure.
dbUnlock() Unlock a record or release a file lock
dbUnlockAll() Unlocks all records and releases all file locks in all work areas.
dbUseArea() Opens a work area and uses a database file.
Dbf() Alias name of a work area
Deleted() Tests the record's deletion flag.
Eof() Test for end-of-file condition.
FCount() Counts the number of fields in an active database.
FieldGet() Obtains the value of a specified field
FieldName() Return the name of a field at a numeric field location.
FieldPos() Return the ordinal position of a field.
FieldPut() Set the value of a field variable
FLock() Locks a file
Found() Determine the success of a previous search operation.
Header() Return the length of a database file header
IndexExt() Returns the file extension of the index module used in an application
IndexKey() Yields the key expression of a specified index file.
IndexOrd() Returns the numeric position of the controlling index.
LastRec() Returns the number of records in an active work area or database.
LUpdate() Yields the date the database was last updated.
NetErr() Tests the success of a network function
ordBagExt() Returns the Order Bag extension
ordBagName() Returns the Order Bag Name.
ordCondSet() Set the Condition and scope for an order
ordCreate() Create an Order in an Order Bag
ordDestroy() Remove an Order from an Order Bag
ordFor() Return the FOR expression of an Order
ordKey() Return the key expression of an Order
RecCount() Counts the number of records in a database.
RecNo() Returns the current record number or identity.
RecSize() Returns the size of a single record in an active database.
RLock() Lock a record in a work area
Select() Returns the work area number for a specified alias.
Used() Checks whether a database is in use in a work area
CDoW() Converts a date to the day of week
CMonth() Return the name of the month.
CToD() Converts a character string to a date expression
Date() Return the Current OS Date
Day() Return the numeric day of the month.
Days() Convert elapsed seconds into days
DoW() Value for the day of week.
DToC() Date to character conversion
DToS() Date to string conversion
ElapTime() Calculates elapsed time.
hb_Week() Returns the week number of year.
Month() Converts a date expression to a month value
Seconds() Returns the number of elapsed seconds past midnight.
Secs() Return the number of seconds from the system date.
Time() Returns the system time as a string
Year() Extracts the year designator of a given date as a numeric value
__Run() Run an external program.
__SetCentury() Set the Current Century
GetE() Obtains a system environmental setting.
GetEnv() Obtains a system environmental setting.
hb_eol() Returns the newline character(s) to use with the current OS
hb_GetEnv() Obtains a system environmental setting.
OS() Return the current operating system.
RUN Run an external program.
Set() Changes or evaluated environmental settings
SetMode() Change the video mode to a specified number of rows and columns
SetTypeahead() Sets the typeahead buffer to given size.
Tone() Sound a tone with a specified frequency and duration.
Version() Returns the version of Harbour compiler
Break() Exits from a
blockErrorSys() Install default error handler
__Quit() Terminates an application.
__SetFunction() Assign a character string to a function key
__Wait() Stops the application until a key is pressed.
hb_SetKeyCheck() Implements common hot-key activation code
hb_SetKeyGet() Determine a set-key code block and condition-block
hb_SetKeySave() Returns a copy of internal set-key list, optionally overwriting
SetKey() Assign an action block to a key
Execute and Execution
dbEval() Performs a code block operation on the current Database
Eval() Evaluate a code block
__Dir()* Display listings of files
ADir() Fill pre-defined arrays with file/directory information
CurDir() Returns the current OS directory name.
DirChange() Changes the directory
DirRemove() Attempt to remove an directory
DiskSpace() Get the amount of space available on a disk
FClose() Closes an open file
FCreate() Creates a file.
FErase() Erase a file from disk
FError() Reports the error status of low-level file functions
File() Tests for the existence of file(s)
FOpen() Open a file.
FRead() Reads a specified number of bytes from a file.
FReadStr() Reads a string from a file.
FRename() Renames a file
FSeek() Positions the file pointer in a file.
FWrite() Writes characters to a file.
hb_DiskSpace() Get the amount of space available on a disk
hb_FEof() Check for end-of-file.
hb_FLock() Locks part or all of any file
hb_FUnlock() Unlocks part or all of any file
IsDisk() Verify if a drive is ready
MakeDir() Create a new directory
Garbage Collector
hb_gcAll() Scans the memory and releases all garbage memory blocks.
hb_gcAlloc() Allocates memory that will be collected by the garbage collector.
hb_gcCollectAll() Scans all memory blocks and releases the garbage memory.
hb_gcFree() Releases the memory that was allocated with hb_gcAlloc().
hb_gcItemRef() Marks the memory to prevent deallocation by the garbage collector.
Hash table
hb_Hash() Returns a hash table
hb_HAllocate() Preallocates a hash table
hb_HAutoAdd() Sets the 'auto add' flag for the hash table
hb_HBinary() Sets the 'binary' flag for the hash table
hb_HCaseMatch() Sets the 'case match' flag for the hash table
hb_HClone() Creates a copy of a hash table
hb_HCopy() Adds entries from the source hash table to the destination hash table
hb_HDefault() Returns/sets a default value for a hash table.
hb_HDel() Removes a key/value pair from a hash table
hb_HDelAt() Removes an entry from a hash table based on its index position
hb_HEval() Evaluate a code block across the contents of a hash table
hb_HFill() Fills a hash table with a value
hb_HGet() Returns a hash value
hb_HGetDef() Returns a hash value, or a default value if the key is not present
hb_HHasKey() Determines whether a hash table has an entry with a give key
hb_HKeyAt() Gets a hash table key at a given position
hb_HKeys() Returns an array of the keys of a hash table
hb_HMerge() Merges a source hash table into a destination hash table
hb_HPairAt() Returns a two-dimensional array of a hash table entry key/value pair
hb_HPos() Locates the index of a key within a hash table
hb_HScan() Scans a hash table
hb_HSet() Sets a hash value
hb_HSort() Reorganizes the internal list of the hash table to be sorted
hb_HValueAt() Gets/sets a hash value at a given position
hb_HValues() Returns an array of the values of a hash table
Idle states
hb_idleAdd() Adds the background task.
hb_idleDel() Removes the background task from the list of tasks.
hb_idleState() Evaluates a single background task and calls the garbage collector.
__mvDbgInfo() This function returns the information about the variables for debugger
__SetHelpK() Set F1 as the default help key
__TextRestore() Restore console output settings as saved by __TextSave()
__TextSave() Redirect console output to printer or file and save old settings
__XHelp() Determines whether a HELP() user defined function exists.
CLIPINIT() Initialize various Harbour sub-systems
hb_inetAccept() Wait until a socket is ready
hb_inetAddress() Get a remote server address
hb_inetCleanup() Terminate Harbour INET support
hb_inetClearError() Clear the socket error value
hb_inetClearPeriodCallback() Clear the periodic callback value of a socket
hb_inetClearTimeLimit() Clear the time limit value of a socket
hb_inetClearTimeout() Clear the timeout value of a socket
hb_inetClose() Close an INET socket
hb_inetConnect() Connect a socket to a remote server by IP address or name
hb_inetConnectIP() Connect to a remote server by IP address
hb_inetCount() Get the number of bytes last read or sent
hb_inetCreate() Create an INET socket
hb_inetCRLF() Get a CRLF sequence for internet protocols
hb_inetDataReady() Get whether there is data ready in a socket
hb_inetDGram() Create a datagram socket
hb_inetDGramBind() Create a bound datagram socket
hb_inetDGramRecv() Get data from a datagram socket
hb_inetDGramSend() Send data to a datagram socket
hb_inetErrorCode() Get the last INET error code
hb_inetErrorDesc() Get the last INET error code description
hb_inetGetAlias() Get an array of aliases of a server
hb_inetGetHosts() Get an array of IP addresses of a host
hb_inetGetRcvBufSize() Get the socket receive buffer size
hb_inetGetSndBufSize() Get the socket send buffer size
hb_inetInit() Activate Harbour INET support
hb_inetIsSocket() Get whether a variable is a socket
hb_inetPeriodCallback() Get or change the periodic callback value of a socket
hb_inetPort() Get the port a socket is bound to.
hb_inetRecv() Read from a socket
hb_inetRecvAll() Read from a socket without blocking
hb_inetRecvEndblock() Read a block from a socket
hb_inetRecvLine() Read a line from a socket
hb_inetstatus() Get the status of a socket
hb_inetSend() Sent data through a socket
hb_inetSendAll() Send data through a socket with blocking
hb_inetServer() Create a socket bound to a port
hb_inetSetRcvBufSize() Set the receive buffer size of a socket
hb_inetSetSndBufSize() Set the send buffer size of a socket
hb_inetTimeLimit() Get or change the time limit value of a socket
hb_inetTimeout() Get or change the timeout value of a socket
Language and Nation
hb_cdpSelect() Select the active code page by language ID
hb_langErrMsg() Description of an error code using current language
hb_langMessage() Returns international strings messages and errors
hb_langName() Return the name of the language module
hb_langSelect() Select a specific nation message module
hb_Translate() Translate a string from one code page to the other
IsAffirm() Checks if passed char is an affirmation char
IsNegative() Checks if passed char is a negation char.
NationMsg() Returns international strings messages.
hb_SetMacro() Enable/disable the macro compiler runtime features.
Abs() Return the absolute value of a number.
Exp() Calculates the value of e raised to the passed power.
hb_matherBlock() Set/Get math error handling codeblock
hb_matherMode() Set/Get math error handling mode
Int() Return the integer port of a numeric value.
Log() Returns the natural logarithm of a number.
Max() Returns the maximum of two numbers or dates.
Min() Determines the minimum of two numbers or dates.
Mod() Return the modulus of two numbers.
Round() Rounds off a numeric expression.
Sqrt() Calculates the square root of a number.
__objAddData() Add a VAR to an already existing class
__objAddInline() Add an INLINE to an already existing class
__objAddMethod() Add a METHOD to an already existing class
__objDelData() Delete a VAR (instance variable) from class
__objDelInline() Delete a METHOD INLINE from class
__objDelMethod() Delete a METHOD from class
__objDerivedFrom() Determine whether a class is derived from another class
__objGetMethodList() Return names of all METHOD for a given object
__objGetMsgList() Return names of all VAR or METHOD for a given object
__objGetValueList() Return an array of VAR names and values for a given object
__objHasData() Determine whether a symbol exist in object as VAR
__objHasMethod() Determine whether a symbol exist in object as METHOD
__objModInline() Modify (replace) an INLINE method in an already existing class
__objModMethod() Modify (replace) a METHOD in an already existing class
__objSetValueList() Set object with an array of VAR names and values
FieldBlock() Return a code block that sets/gets a value for a given field
FieldWBlock() Return a sets/gets code block for field in a given work area
AllTrim() Removes leading and trailing blank spaces from a string
Asc() Returns the ASCII value of a character
At() Locates the position of a substring in a main string.
Chr() Converts an ASCII value to it character value
hb_At() Locates the position of a substring in a main string.
hb_AtI() Locates the position of a substring in a main string.
hb_ATokens() Parses a complex string (e.g. a sentence or multi-line text) into individual tokens (words or other string chunks depending on delimiter used).
hb_LeftEq() Checks if a sub-string matches to leftmost part of a string.
hb_LeftEqI() Checks if a sub-string matches to leftmost part of a string.
hb_MemoRead() Return the text file's contents as a character string
hb_MemoWrit() Write a memo field or character string to a text file on disk
hb_ntoc() Converts a numeric value to string
hb_ntos() Converts a numeric value to string.
hb_RAt() Searches for last occurrence a substring of a string.
hb_ValToStr() Converts any scalar type to a string.
HardCR() Replace all soft carriage returns with hard carriages returns.
IsAlpha() Checks if leftmost character in a string is an alphabetic character
IsDigit() Checks if leftmost character is a digit character
IsLower() Checks if leftmost character is a lowercase letter.
IsUpper() Checks if leftmost character is an uppercase letter.
Left() Extract the leftmost substring of a character expression
Lower() Universally lowercases a character string expression.
LTrim() Removes leading spaces from a string
MemoRead() Return the text file's contents as a character string
MemoTran() Converts hard and soft carriage returns within strings.
MemoWrit() Write a memo field or character string to a text file on disk
PadC() Centers an expression for a given width
PadL() Left-justifies an expression for a given width
PadR() Right-justifies an expression for a given width
RAt() Searches for last occurrence a substring of a string.
Replicate() Repeats a single character expression
Right() Extract the rightmost substring of a character expression
RTrim() Remove trailing spaces from a string.
Space() Returns a string of blank spaces
Str() Convert a numeric expression to a character string.
StrTran() Translate substring value with a main string
StrZero() Convert a numeric expression to a character string, zero padded.
SubStr() Returns a substring from a main string
Transform() Formats a value based on a specific picture template.
Trim() Remove trailing spaces from a string.
Upper() Converts a character expression to uppercase format
Val() Convert a number from a character type to numeric
__TypeFile() Show the content of a file on the console and/or printer
Col() Returns the current screen column position
DevOutPict() Displays a value to a device using a picture template
hb_ColorIndex() Extract one color from a full color-spec string.
MaxCol() Returns the maximum number of columns in the current video mode
MaxRow() Returns the current screen row position
RESTORE SCREEN Restore screen image and coordinate from an internal buffer
Row() Returns the current screen row position
SAVE SCREEN Save whole screen image and coordinate to an internal buffer
User interface
__AtPrompt() Display a menu item on screen and define a message
__Input() Stops application
__Keyboard() Use hb_keyPut() instead
__MenuTo() Invoked a menu defined by set of
__NoNoAlert() Override
command-line switch__XRestScreen() Restore screen image and coordinate from an internal buffer
__XSaveScreen() Save whole screen image and coordinate to an internal buffer
AChoice() Allows selection of an element from an array
Alert() Display a dialog box with a message
Browse() Browse a database file
dbEdit()* Browse records in a table
hb_keyPut() Put an inkey code to the keyboard buffer.
Inkey() Extracts the next key code from the Harbour keyboard buffer.
LastKey() Get the last key extracted from the keyboard buffer.
MCol() Returns the mouse cursor column position.
MENU TO Invoked a menu defined by set of
MRow() Returns the mouse cursor row position.
NextKey() Get the next key code in the buffer without extracting it.
OutErr() Write a list of values to the standard error device
OutStd() Write a list of values to the standard output device
ReadKey()* Determine which key terminated a READ.
ReadVar() Return variable name of current GET or MENU
TBrowseDB() Create a new TBrowse object to be used with database file
Variable management
__mvClear() This function releases all PRIVATE and PUBLIC variables
__mvExist() Determine if a given name is a PUBLIC or PRIVATE memory variable
__mvGet() This function returns value of memory variable
__mvPrivate() This function creates a PRIVATE variable
__mvPublic() This function creates a PUBLIC variable
__mvPut() This function set the value of memory variable
__mvRelease() This function releases PRIVATE variables
__mvScope() If variable exists then returns its scope.
__mvXRelease() This function releases value stored in PRIVATE or PUBLIC variable
Empty() Checks if the passed argument is empty.
hb_PIsByRef() Determine if a parameter is passed by reference.
Len() Returns size of a string or size of an array.
MemVarBlock() Returns a codeblock that sets/gets a value of memvar variable
Type() Retrieves the type of an expression
ValType() Retrieves the data type of an expression
C level API
Idle states
hb_idleState() Evaluates a single background task and calls the garbage collector.
hb_mathGetErrMode() get math error handling mode
hb_mathGetHandler() get current Harbour math error handler
hb_mathGetLastError() get the last math lib error
hb_mathIsMathErr() Check if Harbour math error handling is available
hb_mathResetError() Reset the internal math error information structure
hb_mathSetErrMode() set math error handling mode
hb_mathSetHandler() set the Harbour math handler
CLASS VAR Define a CLASS VAR variable for a class (NOT for an Object!)
VAR Alternate syntax for VAR: instance variable for the objects.
CLASS Define a Class for Object Oriented Programming
ENDCLASS End the declaration of a class.
ERROR HANDLER Designate a method as an error handler for the class
MESSAGE Route a method call to another Method
METHOD Declare a METHOD for a class in the class header
ON ERROR Designate a method as an error handler for the class
COPY STRUCTURE Create a new database based on current database structure
COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED Copy current database structure into a definition file
CREATE Create empty structure extended file
CREATE FROM Create new database file from a structure extended file
PACK Remove records marked for deletion from a database
ZAP Remove all records from the current database file
SET ALTERNATE Toggle and echos output to an alternate file
SET BELL Toggle the bell to sound once a GET has been completed.
SET CENTURY Toggle the century digits in all dates display
SET CONSOLE Toggle the console display
SET DATE Assigns a date format or chooses a predefined date data set.
SET DECIMALS Toggle the console display
SET DEFAULT Establishes the Harbour search drive and directory.
SET DEVICE Directs all
output to a device.SET EPOCH Specify a base year for interpreting dates
SET FIXED Set the number of decimal position to be displayed
SET FUNCTION Assign a character string to a function key
SET INTENSITY Toggles the enhanced display of PROMPTs and GETs.
SET KEY Assign an action block to a key
SET MESSAGE Establishes a message row for
commandSET PATH Specifies a search path for opening files
SET PRINTER Toggles the printer and controls the printer device
SET WRAP Toggle wrapping the PROMPTs in a menu.
COPY FILE Copies a file.
DELETE FILE Remove a file from disk
DIR Display listings of files
ERASE Remove a file from disk
RENAME Changes the name of a specified file
TYPE Show the content of a file on the console, printer or file
LABEL FORM Displays labels to the screen or an alternate device
REPORT FORM Display a report
EJECT Issue an command to advance the printer to the top of the form
User interface
@...GET Creates a GET object and displays it to the screen
@...PROMPT Display a menu item on screen and define a message
@...SAY Displays data at specified coordinates of the current device.
KEYBOARD Stuffs the keyboard with a string.
Runtime errors
RTE BASE/1003 Attempt to access non-existing or hidden variable
RTE BASE/1068 Bound error in array access
RTE BASE/1069 Bound error in array access
RTE BASE/1070 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1072 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1073 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1074 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1075 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1076 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1077 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1078 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1079 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1081 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1082 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1085 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1086 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1089 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1090 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1092 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1093 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1094 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1095 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1096 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1097 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1098 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1099 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1100 Incorrect type of argument
RTE BASE/1101 Incorrect type of argument
RTE BASE/1102 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1103 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1104 Incorrect type of argument
RTE BASE/1105 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1106 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1107 Incorrect type of argument
RTE BASE/1108 Incorrect type of argument
RTE BASE/1109 Invalid type of arguments
RTE BASE/1110 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1111 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1112 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1113 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1114 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1115 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1116 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1117 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1120 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1122 Incorrect type of argument
RTE BASE/1124 Incorrect type of argument
RTE BASE/1126 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/1132 Bound error in array access
RTE BASE/1133 Bound error in array element assignment
RTE BASE/2010 Incorrect arguments type
RTE BASE/2012 File error
RTE BASE/2017 Invalid argument passed to a function
RTE BASE/2020 Invalid argument passed to function
RTE BASE/3001 Incorrect argument type
RTE BASE/3002 Super class does not return an object
RTE BASE/3003 Cannot find super class
RTE BASE/3004 Cannot modify a DATA item in a class
RTE BASE/3005 Incorrect arguments type
RTE BASE/3007 Invalid type of argument
RTE BASE/3008 Invalid type of argument
RTE BASE/3009 Incorrect argument passed to __mvGet() function
RTE BASE/3010 Incorrect argument passed to __mvPut() function
RTE BASE/3012 Invalid argument passed to a function
RTE BASE/3101 Invalid argument passed to an object/class function
RTE BASE/3102 A symbol should be modified or deleted from a class, but the symbol doesn't exist.
RTE BASE/3103 A symbol should be added to a class, but the symbol already exists.
RTE TERM/2013 Create error
TBrowse class
TBrowseNew() Create a Browse Object
TBrowse Method
TBrowse():AddColumn() Add an New Column to an TBrowse Object
TBrowse():ApplyKey() Evaluates an code block associated with an specific key
TBrowse():SetKey() Get an optionally Set an new Code block associated to a inkey value
Clipper 5.3
< Less than—binary (Relational)
<= Less than or equal—binary (Relational)
<> != # Not equal—binary (Relational)
= (assign) Simple assign—binary (Assignment)
= (compound assign) Compound assignment—binary (Assignment)
= (equality) Equal—binary (Relational)
== Exactly equal—binary (Relational)
> Greater than—binary (Relational)
>= Greater than or equal—binary (Relational)
- Subtraction, unary negative, concatenation (Math, Character)
-> Alias assignment—binary (Special)
-- Decrement—unary (Mathematical)
: Send—binary (Object)
:= Inline assign—binary (Assignment)
?|?? Display one or more values to the console
/ Division—binary (Mathematical)
.AND. Logical AND—binary (Logical)
.NOT. Logical NOT—unary (Logical)
.OR. Logical OR—binary (Logical)
( ) Function or grouping indicator (Special)
[ ] Array element indicator (Special)
{ } Literal array and code block delimiters (Special)
@ Pass-by-reference—unary (Special)
@...BOX Draw a box on the screen
@...CLEAR Clear a rectangular region of the screen
@...GET Create a new Get object and display it to the screen
@...GET CHECKBOX Create a new check box Get object and display it to the screen
@...GET LISTBOX Create a new list box Get object and display it to the screen
@...GET PUSHBUTTON Create a new push button Get object and display it to the screen
@...GET RADIOGROUP Create a new radio button group Get object and display it to the screen
@...GET TBROWSE Create a new TBrowse Get object and display it to the screen
@...PROMPT Paint a menu item and define a message
@...SAY Display data at a specified screen or printer row and column
@...TO Draw a single- or double-line box
$ Substring comparison—binary (Relational)
* Multiplication—binary (Mathematical)
** Exponentiation—binary (Mathematical)
& Macro evaluation—unary (Special)
#command | #translate Specify a user-defined command or translation directive
#define Define a manifest constant or pseudofunction
#error Generate a compiler error and display a message
#ifdef Compile a section of code if an identifier is defined
#ifndef Compile a section of code if an identifier is undefined
#include Include a file into the current source file
#stdout Send literal text to the standard output device
#undef Remove a #define macro definition
#xcommand | #xtranslate Specify a user-defined command or translation directive
% Modulus—binary (Mathematical)
+ Addition, unary positive, concatenation (Math, Character)
++ Increment—unary (Mathematical)
AAdd() Add a new element to the end of an array
Abs() Return the absolute value of a numeric expression
ACCEPT* Place keyboard input into a memory variable
AChoice() Execute a pop-up menu
AClone() Duplicate a nested or multidimensional array
ACopy() Copy elements from one array to another
ADel() Delete an array element
ADir()* Fill a series of arrays with directory information
AEval() Execute a code block for each element in an array
AFields()* Fill arrays with the structure of the current database file
AFill() Fill an array with a specified value
AIns() Insert a NIL element into an array
Alert() Display a simple modal dialog box
Alias() Return a specified work area alias
AllTrim() Remove leading and trailing spaces from a character string
AltD() Invoke the CA-Clipper debugger
ANNOUNCE Declare a module identifier
APPEND BLANK Add a new record to the current database file
APPEND FROM Import records from a database (.dbf) file or ASCII text file
Array() Create an uninitialized array of specified length
Asc() Convert a character to its ASCII value
AScan() Scan an array for a value or until a block returns true (
)ASize() Grow or shrink an array
ASort() Sort an array
At() Return the position of a substring within a character string
ATail() Return the highest numbered element of an array
AVERAGE Average numeric expressions in the current work area
BEGIN SEQUENCE Define a sequence of statements for a BREAK
Bin2I() Convert a 16-bit signed integer to a numeric value
Bin2L() Convert a 32-bit signed integer to a numeric value
Bin2W() Convert a 16-bit unsigned integer to a numeric value
BLOBDIRECTEXPORT() Export the contents of a binary large object (BLOB) pointer to a file
BLOBDIRECTGET() Retrieve data stored in a BLOB file without referencing a specific field
BLOBDIRECTIMPORT() Import a file into a BLOB file and return a pointer to the data
BLOBDIRECTPUT() Put data in a BLOB file without referencing a specific field
BLOBEXPORT() Copy the contents of a BLOB, identified by its memo field number, to a file
BLOBGET() Get the contents of a BLOB, identified by its memo field number
BLOBIMPORT() Read the contents of a file as a BLOB, identified by a memo field number
BLOBROOTGET() Retrieve the data from the root area of a BLOB file
BLOBROOTLOCK() Obtain a lock on the root area of a BLOB file
BLOBROOTPUT() Store data in the root area of a BLOB file
BLOBROOTUNLOCK() Release the lock on a BLOB file's root area
Bof() Determine when beginning of file is encountered
Break() Branch out of a BEGIN SEQUENCE...END construct
Browse()* Browse records within a window
CALL* Execute a C or Assembler procedure
CANCEL* Terminate program processing
CDoW() Convert a date value to a character day of the week
CheckBox class Create check boxes, which are controls that can be toggled on or off by a user
Chr() Convert an ASCII code to a character value
CLEAR ALL* Close files and release public and private variables
CLEAR GETS Release Get objects from the current GetList array
CLEAR MEMORY Release all public and private variables
CLEAR SCREEN Clear the screen and return the cursor home
CLEAR TYPEAHEAD Empty the keyboard buffer
CLOSE Close a specific set of files
CMonth() Convert a date to a character month name
Col() Return the screen cursor column position
ColorSelect() Activate attribute in current color settings
COMMIT Perform a solid-disk write for all active work areas
CONTINUE Resume a pending LOCATE
COPY FILE Copy a file to a new file or to a device
COPY STRUCTURE Copy the current .dbf structure to a new database (.dbf) file
COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED Copy field definitions to a .dbf file
COPY TO Export records to a new database (.dbf) file or ASCII text file
COUNT Tally records to a variable
CREATE Create an empty structure extended (.dbf) file
CREATE FROM Create a new .dbf file from a structure extended file
CToD() Convert a date string to a date value
CurDir() Return the current DOS directory
dbAppend() Append a new record to the database open in the current work area
dbClearFilter() Clear a filter condition
dbClearIndex() Close all indexes for the current work area
dbClearRelation() Clear active relations
dbCloseAll() Close all occupied work areas
dbCloseArea() Close a work area
dbCommit() Flush pending updates
dbCommitAll() Flush pending updates in all work areas
dbCreate() Create a database file from a database structure array
dbCreateIndex() Create an index file
dbDelete() Mark a record for deletion
dbEdit() Browse records in a table layout
dbEval() Evaluate a code block for each record matching a scope and condition
dbFieldInfo() Return and optionally change information about a field
dbFileGet() Insert the contents of a field into a file
dbFilePut() Insert the contents of a file into a field
dbFilter() Return the current filter expression as a character string
dbGoBottom() Move to the last logical record
dbGoto() Position record pointer to a specific identity
dbGoTop() Move to the first logical record
dbInfo() Return and optionally change information about a database file opened in a work area
dbOrderInfo() Return and optionally change information about orders and index files
dbRecall() Reinstate a record marked for deletion
dbRecordInfo() Return and optionally change information about a record
dbReindex() Recreate all active indexes for the current work area
dbRelation() Return the linking expression of a specified relation
dbRLock() Lock the record at the current or specified identity
dbRLockList() Return an array of the current lock list
dbRSelect() Return the target work area number of a relation
dbRUnlock() Release all or specified record locks
dbSeek() Move to the record having the specified key value
dbSelectArea() Change the current work area
dbSetDriver() Return the default database driver and optionally set a new driver
dbSetFilter() Set a filter condition
dbSetIndex() Empty orders from an order bag into the order list
dbSetOrder() Set the controlling order
dbSetRelation() Relate two work areas
dbSkip() Move relative to the current record
dbStruct() Create an array containing the structure of a database file
dbUnlock() Release all locks for the current work area
dbUnlockAll() Release all locks for all work areas
dbUseArea() Use a database file in a work area
Date() Return the system date as a date value
Day() Return the day of the month as a numeric value
Dbf()* Return current alias name
Deleted() Return the deleted status of the current record
Descend() Create a descending index key value
DevOut() Write a value to the current device
DevOutPict() Write a value to the current device using a picture clause
DevPos() Move the cursor or printhead to a new position depending on the current device
DECLARE* Create and initialize private memory variables and arrays
DELETE Mark records for deletion
DELETE FILE Remove a file from disk
DELETE TAG Delete a tag
DirChange() Change the current DOS directory
Directory() Create an array of directory and file information
DirMake() Create a directory
DirRemove() Remove a directory
DiskChange() Change the current DOS disk drive
DiskName() Return the current DOS drive
DiskSpace() Return the space available on a specified disk
DispBegin() Begin buffering screen output
DispBox() Display a box on the screen
DispCount() Return the number of pending DispEnd() requests
DispEnd() Display buffered screen updates
DispOut() Write a value to the display
DIR* Display a listing of files from a specified path
DISPLAY Display records to the console
DosError() Return the last DOS error number
DoW() Convert a date value to a numeric day of the week
DO CASE Execute one of several alternative blocks of statements
DO WHILE Execute a loop while a condition is true (
)DO* Call a procedure
DToC() Convert a date value to a character string
DToS() Convert a date value to a character string formatted as yyyymmdd
EJECT Advance the printhead to top of form
Empty() Determine if the result of an expression is empty
Eof() Determine when end of file is encountered
Error class Provides objects containing information about runtime errors
ErrorBlock() Post a code block to execute when a runtime error occurs
ErrorLevel() Set the CA-Clipper return code
ERASE Remove a file from disk
Eval() Evaluate a code block
Exp() Calculate e**x
EXIT PROCEDURE Declare an exit procedure
EXTERNAL* Declare a list of procedure or user-defined function names to the linker
FClose() Close an open binary file and write DOS buffers to disk
FCount() Return the number of fields in the current .dbf file
FCreate() Create and/or truncate a binary file to zero-length
FErase() Delete a file from disk
FError() Test for errors after a binary file operation
FieldBlock() Return a set-get code block for a given field
FieldGet() Retrieve the value of a field using the ordinal position of the field in the database structure
FieldName()/Field() Return a field name from the current database (.dbf) file
FieldPos() Return the position of a field in a work area
FieldPut() Set the value of a field variable using the ordinal position of the field in the database structure
FieldWBlock() Return a set-get code block for a field in a given work area
FIELD Declare database field names
FILE() Determine if files exist in the CA-Clipper default directory or path
FIND* Search an index for a specified key value
FKLabel()* Return function key name
FKMax()* Return number of function keys as a constant
FLock() Lock an open and shared database file
Found() Determine if the previous search operation succeeded
FOpen() Open a binary file
FOR Execute a block of statements a specified number of times
FRead() Read characters from a binary file into a buffer variable
FReadStr() Read characters from a binary file
FRename() Change the name of a file
FSeek() Set a binary file pointer to a new position
FUNCTION Declare a user-defined function name and formal parameters
FWrite() Write to an open binary file
GBMPDISP() Display a bitmap (.BMP) file on screen
GBMPLOAD() Load a bitmap (.bmp) or icon (.ico) file into memory
Get class Provides objects for interactive editing of database fields and variables
GetActive() Return the currently active Get object
GetApplyKey() Apply a key to a Get object from within a reader
GetDoSetKey() Process SET KEY during GET editing
GetEnv() Retrieve the contents of a DOS environment variable
GetPostValidate() Postvalidate the current Get object
GetPreValidate() Prevalidate a Get object
GetReader() Execute standard READ behavior for a Get object
GELLIPSE() Draw an ellipse or circle
GFNTERASE() Erase a font from memory
GFNTLOAD() Load a font file into memory
GFNTSET() Set an already loaded font as active
GFRAME() Draw a frame with a 3-D look
GGETPIXEL() Get color information for a pixel
GLINE() Draw a line in graphic mode
GMODE() Switch video mode
GO Move the pointer to the specified identity
GPOLYGON() Draw a polygon on screen
GPUTPIXEL() Draw a pixel on the screen
GRECT() Draw a rectangle in graphic mode
GSETCLIP() Define the allowed display area
GSETEXCL() Define a screen region to be excluded from display
GSETPAL() Change components of a color
GWRITEAT() Draw graphic text without background
HardCR() Replace all soft carriage returns in a character string with hard carriage returns
Header() Return the current database file header length
I2Bin() Convert a CA-Clipper numeric to a 16-bit binary integer
IF Execute one of several alternative blocks of statements
IF() Return the result of an expression based on a condition
IIF() Return the result of an expression based on a condition
IndexExt() Return the default index extension based on the database driver currently linked
IndexKey() Return the key expression of a specified index
IndexOrd() Return the order position of the controlling index
Inkey() Extract a character from the keyboard buffer or a mouse event
INDEX Create an index file
INIT PROCEDURE Declare an initialization procedure
INPUT* Enter the result of an expression into a variable
INT() Convert a numeric value to an integer
IsAlpha() Determine if the leftmost character in a string is alphabetic
IsColor() Determine if the current computer has color capability
IsDigit() Determine if the leftmost character in a character string is a digit
IsLower() Determine if the leftmost character is a lowercase letter
IsPrinter() Determine whether LPT1 is ready
IsUpper() Determine if the leftmost character in a string is uppercase
JOIN Create a new database file by merging records/fields from two work areas
KEYBOARD Stuff a string into the keyboard buffer
L2Bin() Convert a CA-Clipper numeric value to a 32-bit binary integer
LastKey() Return the Inkey() value of the last key extracted from the keyboard buffer
LastRec() Determine the number of records in the current .dbf file
LABEL FORM Display labels to the console
Left() Extract a substring beginning with the first character in a string
Len() Return the length of a character string or the number of elements in an array
ListBox class Create a list box
LIST List records to the console
Log() Calculate the natural logarithm of a numeric value
Lower() Convert uppercase characters to lowercase
LOCAL Declare and initialize local variables and arrays
LOCATE Search sequentially for a record matching a condition
LTrim() Remove leading spaces from a character string
LUpdate() Return the last modification date of a database (.dbf) file
Max() Return the larger of two numeric or date values
MaxCol() Determine the maximum visible screen column
MaxRow() Determine the maximum visible screen row
MCol() Determine the mouse cursor's screen column position
MDblClk() Determine the double-click speed threshold of the mouse
MemoEdit() Display or edit character strings and memo fields
MemoLine() Extract a line of text from a character string or memo field
Memory() Determine the amount of available free pool memory
MemoRead() Return the contents of a disk file as a character string
MemoTran() Replace carriage return/linefeeds in character strings
MemoWrit() Write a character string or memo field to a disk file
MemVarBlock() Return a set-get code block for a given memory variable
MenuItem class Create a menu item
MenuModal() Activate a top bar menu
MEMOSETSUPER() Set an RDD inheritance chain for the DBFMEMO database driver
MEMVAR Declare private and public variable names
MENU TO Execute a lightbar menu for defined PROMPTs
MHide() Hide the mouse pointer
Min() Return the smaller of two numeric or date values
MLCount() Count the number of lines in a character string or memo field
MLCToPos() Return the byte position of a formatted string based on line and column position
MLeftDown() Determine the press status of the left mouse button
MLPos() Determine the position of a line in a character string or memo field
Mod()* Return the dBASE III PLUS modulus of two numbers
Month() Convert a date value to the number of the month
MPosToLC() Return line and column position of a formatted string based on a specified byte position
MPresent() Determine if a mouse is present
MRestState() Re-establish the previous state of a mouse
MRightDown() Determine the status of the right mouse button
MRow() Determine a mouse cursor's screen row position
MSaveState() Save the current state of a mouse
MSetBounds() Set screen boundaries for the mouse cursor
MSetCursor() Determine a mouse's visibility
MSetPos() Set a new position for the mouse cursor
MSETCLIP() Define an inclusion region
MShow() Display the mouse pointer
MSTATE() Return the current mouse state
NetErr() Determine if a network command has failed
NetName() Return the current workstation identification
NextKey() Read the pending key in the keyboard buffer
NoSnow() Toggle snow suppression
NOTE* Place a single-line comment in a program file
ordBagExt() Return the default order bag RDD extension
ordBagName() Return the order bag name of a specific order
ordCondSet() Set the condition and scope for an order
ordCreate() Create an order in an order bag
ordDescend() Return and optionally change the descending flag of an order
ordDestroy() Remove a specified order from an order bag
ordFor() Return the FOR expression of an order
ordIsUnique() Return the status of the unique flag for a given order
ordKey() Return the key expression of an order
ordKeyAdd() Add a key to a custom built order
ordKeyCount() Return the number of keys in an order
ordKeyDel() Delete a key from a custom built order
ordKeyGoto() Move to a record specified by its logical record number in the controlling order
ordKeyNo() Get the logical record number of the current record
ordKeyVal() Get the key value of the current record from the controlling order
ordListAdd() Add orders to the order list
ordListClear() Clear the current order list
ordListRebuild() Rebuild all orders in the order list of the current work area
ordName() Return the name of an order in the order list
ordNumber() Return the position of an order in the current order list
ordScope() Set or clear the boundaries for scoping key values in the controlling order
ordSetFocus() Set focus to an order in an order list
ordSetRelation() Relate a specified work area to the current work area
ordSkipUnique() Move the record pointer to the next or previous unique key in the controlling order
ORDCOND() Specify conditions for ordering
OS() Return the operating system name
OutErr() Write a list of values to the standard error device
OutStd() Write a list of values to the standard output device
Pad() Pad character, date, and numeric values with a fill character
PACK Remove deleted records from a database file
PARAMETERS Create private parameter variables
PCol() Return the current column position of the printhead
PCount() Determine the position of the last actual parameter passed
PopUpMenu class Create a pop-up menu
ProcLine() Return the source line number of the current or previous activation
ProcName() Return the name of the current or previous procedure or user-defined function
PRIVATE Create and initialize private memory variables and arrays
PRow() Return the current row position of the printhead
PROCEDURE Declare a procedure name and formal parameters
PushButton class Create a push button
PUBLIC Create and initialize public memory variables and arrays
QOut() Display a list of expressions to the console
QUIT Terminate program processing
rddList() Return an array of the available Replaceable Database Drivers (RDDs)
rddName() Return the name of the RDD active in the current or specified work area
rddSetDefault() Set or return the default RDD for the application
RadioButto class Create a radio button
RadioGroup class Create a radio button group
RAt() Return the position of the last occurrence of a substring
ReadExit() Toggle Up arrow and Down arrow as READ exit keys
ReadFormat() Return and optionally, set the code block that implements a format (.fmt) file
ReadInsert() Toggle the current insert mode for READ and MemoEdit()
ReadKey()* Determine what key terminated a READ
ReadKill() Return, and optionally set, whether the current READ should be exited
ReadModal() Activate a full-screen editing mode for a GetList
ReadUpdated() Determine whether any GET variables changed during a READ and optionally change the ReadUpdated() flag
ReadVar() Return the current GET/MENU variable name
RecCount()* Determine the number of records in the current database (.dbf) file
RecNo() Return the identity at the position of the record pointer
RecSize() Determine the record length of a database (.dbf) file
Replicate() Return a string repeated a specified number of times
RestScreen() Display a saved screen region to a specified location
READ Activate full-screen editing mode using Get objects
RECALL Restore records marked for deletion
REINDEX Rebuild open indexes in the current work area
RELEASE Delete public and private memory variables
RENAME Change the name of a file
REPLACE Assign new values to field variables
REPORT FORM Display a report to the console
REQUEST Declare a module request list
RESTORE Retrieve memory variables from a memory (.mem) file
RESTORE SCREEN* Display a saved screen
RETURN Terminate a procedure, user-defined function, or program
Right() Return a substring beginning with the rightmost character
RLock() Lock the current record in the active work area
Round() Return a numeric value rounded to a specified number of digits
Row() Return the screen row position of the cursor
RTrim() Remove trailing spaces from a character string
RUN Execute a DOS command or program
SaveScreen() Save a screen region for later display
SAVE Save variables to a memory (.mem) file
SAVE SCREEN* Save the current screen to a buffer or variable
Scroll() Scroll a screen region up or down, right or left
Scrollbar class Creates a scroll bar
Seconds() Return the number of seconds elapsed since midnight
Select() Determine the work area number of a specified alias
Set() Inspect or change a system setting
SetBlink() Toggle asterisk (*) interpretation in the SetColor() string between blinking and background intensity
SetCancel() Toggle Alt+C and Ctrl+Break as program termination keys
SetColor() Return the current colors and optionally set new colors
SetCursor() Set the cursor shape
SetKey() Assign an action block to a key
SetMode() Change display mode to a specified number of rows and columns
SetPos() Move the cursor to a new position
SetPRC() Set PRow() and PCol() values
SEEK Search an order for a specified key value
SELECT Change the current work area
SET ALTERNATE Echo console output to a text file
SET BELL Toggle automatic sounding of the bell during full-screen operations
SET CENTURY Modify the date format to include or omit century digits
SET COLOR* Define screen colors
SET CONFIRM Toggle required exit key to terminate GETs
SET CONSOLE Toggle console display to the screen
SET CURSOR Toggle the screen cursor on or off
SET DATE Set the date format for input and display
SET DECIMALS Set the number of decimal places to be displayed
SET DEFAULT Set the CA-Clipper default drive and directory
SET DELETED Toggle filtering of deleted records
SET DELIMITERS Toggle or define GET delimiters
SET DESCENDING Change the descending flag of the controlling order
SET DEVICE Direct @...SAYs to the screen or printer
SET EPOCH Control the interpretation of dates with no century digits
SET ESCAPE Toggle Esc as a READ exit key
SET EVENTMASK Specify events to be returned by the Inkey() function
SET EXACT* Toggle exact matches for character strings
SET EXCLUSIVE* Establish shared or exclusive USE of database files
SET FILTER Hide records not meeting a condition
SET FIXED Toggle fixing of the number of decimal digits displayed
SET FORMAT* Activate a format when READ is executed
SET FUNCTION Assign a character string to a function key
SET INDEX Open one or more order bags in the current work area
SET INTENSITY Toggle enhanced display of GETs and PROMPTs
SET KEY Assign a procedure invocation to a key
SET MARGIN Set the page offset for all printed output
SET MEMOBLOCK Change the block size for memo files
SET MESSAGE Set the @...PROMPT message line row
SET OPTIMIZE Change the setting that determines whether to optimize using the open orders when processing a filtered database file
SET ORDER Select the controlling order
SET PATH Specify the CA-Clipper search path for opening files
SET PRINTER Toggle echo of console output to the printer or set the destination of printed output
SET PROCEDURE* Compile procedures and functions into the current object (.OBJ) file
SET RELATION Relate two work areas by a key value or record number
SET SCOPE Change the top and/or bottom boundaries for scoping key values in the controlling order
SET SCOPEBOTTOM Change the bottom boundary for scoping key values in the controlling order
SET SCOPETOP Change the top boundary for scoping key values in the controlling order
SET SCOREBOARD Toggle the message display from READ or MemoEdit()
SET SOFTSEEK Toggle relative seeking
SET TYPEAHEAD Set the size of the keyboard buffer
SET UNIQUE* Toggle inclusion of non-unique keys into an index
SET VIDEOMODE Change the current video mode of the current application
SET WRAP* Toggle wrapping of the highlight in menus
SKIP Move the record pointer to a new position
SoundEx() Convert a character string to "soundex" form
SORT Copy to a database (.dbf) file in sorted order
Space() Return a string of spaces
Sqrt() Return the square root of a positive number
Str() Convert a numeric expression to a character string
StrTran() Search and replace characters within a character string or memo field
Stuff() Delete and insert characters in a string
STATIC Declare and initialize static variables and arrays
STORE* Assign a value to one or more variables
SubStr() Extract a substring from a character string
SUM Sum numeric expressions and assign results to variables
TBColumn class Provide column objects for TBrowse objects
TBrowse class Provide objects for browsing table-oriented data
TEXT* Display a literal block of text
Time() Return the system time
Tone() Sound a speaker tone for a specified frequency and duration
TopBarMenu class Create a top bar menu
TOTAL Summarize records by key value to a database (.dbf) file
Transform() Convert any value into a formatted character string
Trim() Remove trailing spaces from a character string
Type() Determine the type of an expression
TYPE Display the contents of a text file
UNLOCK Release file/record locks set by the current user
Updated() Determine whether a GET changed during a READ
Upper() Convert lowercase characters to uppercase
UPDATE Update current database file from another database file
Used() Determine whether a database file is in USE
USE Open an existing database (.dbf) and its associated files
Val() Convert a character number to numeric type
ValType() Determine the data type returned by an expression
Version() Returns CA-Clipper version
WAIT* Suspend program processing until a key is pressed
Word()* Convert CALL command numeric parameters from double to integer values
Year() Convert a date value to the year as a numeric value
ZAP Remove all records from the current database file
CA-Clipper 5.3 Copyright
Box Characters Box Characters
Colors Colors
Inkey Codes Inkey Codes
Picture Codes Picture Codes
Reserved Words Reserved Words
Special Characters Special Characters
Unsupported dBASE Items Unsupported dBASE Items
Clipper Tools 3
Broadcast Messages Introduction
Capture Services Introduction
Connection Services Introduction
Database Functions Introduction
Date / Time Functions Introduction
Devices and Forms Introduction
Disk Utilities Introduction
Drive Mapping Introduction
Extended Drivers Introduction
Functions For IBM PC-LAN Introduction
Get / Read Functions Introduction
Installing CA-Clipper Tools Installing CA-Clipper Tools
Introduction Introduction
Low Level Bindery Access Introduction
Mathematical Functions Introduction
Miscellaneous Functions Introduction
Miscellaneous Functions Introduction
Number / Bit Manipulation Introduction
Peek / Poke Functions Introduction
Point-To-Point Communication Introduction
Print Job Definitions Introduction
Print Queue Management Introduction
Print Server Access Introduction
Printer Functions Introduction
Semaphores Introduction
Serial Communication Introduction
Set Status Introduction
String Manipulation Introduction
System Informations Introduction
Transition Tracking Introduction
User and Group Management Introduction
Using CA-Clipper Tools Using CA-Clipper Tools
Video Functions Introduction
Volumes, Directories, ... Introduction
Window Functions Introduction
Acos() Computes the cosine arc
AddAscii() Adds a value to each ASCII code in a string
Additional Programs Additional Programs
AddMonth() Adds or subtracts months to/from a date
AfterAtNum() Returns the remainder of the string after the nth appearance of a sequence
AlloFree()* Determines the maximum memory size allocation
AsciiSum() Finds the sum of the ASCII values of all the characters of a string
AscPos() Determines the ASCII value of a character at a particular position within a string
Asin() Computes the sine arc
Atan() Computes the tangent arc
AtAdjust() Adjusts the beginning position of a sequence within a string
Atn2() Computes the angle size from the sine and cosine
AtNum() Determines the starting position of a sequence within a string
AtRepl() Searches for a sequence within a string and replaces it
AtToken() Finds the position of a token within a string
BeforAtNum() Returns the string segment before the nth occurrence of a sequence
BitToC() Converts position-dependent bits into characters
BIOSDATE() Determines the system BIOS date
Blank() Creates a blank value for each data type
BoM() Determines the date of the first day of a month
BoQ() Determines the date for the beginning of a quarter
BoY() Determines the date for the beginning of a year
BOOTCOLD() Triggers a cold boot
BOOTWARM() Triggers a warm start of the system
com_Break() Creates a break on a transmission line
com_Close() Clears the receiving buffer and closes the com port
com_Count() Counts the number of characters in the input buffer
com_CRC() Computes a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for the string
com_CTS() Queries the Clear To Send (CTS) status
com_DCD() Queries the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) status
com_DosCon() Provides screen output through DOS (ANSI.SYS terminal emulation)
com_DSR() Queries the Data Set Ready (DSR) status
com_DTR() Queries/sets the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) status
com_ErrChr() Defines the replacement character for a character that is not received correctly
com_Event() Designates which event at the port triggered a key trap
com_Flush() Clears the receiving buffer
com_GetIO() Determines the base address of a port
com_GetIRQ() Determines the interrupt request for a port
com_Hard() Turns the hardware handshake (automatic CTS) on/off
com_Init() Initializes the port parameters
com_Key() Monitors the port using key traps
com_LSR() Reads the Line Status Register (LSR)
com_MCR() Reads or sets the Modem Control Register (MCR)
com_MSR() Reads the Modem Status Register (MSR)
com_Num() Gives the number of the highest available serial interface port
com_Open() Opens the port and initializes the buffer
com_Read() Reads characters from the receiving buffer
com_Remote() Determines the clear character for the receiving buffer
com_Ring() Queries the ring line
com_RTS() Queries or sets the Request To Send (RTS)
com_SCount() Counts the number of characters in the background sending buffer
com_Send() Transmits data directly or in the background
com_SetIO() Changes the base address for a port
com_SetIRQ() Changes the interrupt request for a port
com_SFlush() Deletes the sending background buffer
com_SKey() Monitors the port using key traps during background transmission
com_SMode() Determines the current status of a background transmission
com_Soft_R() Tests to see if an XOFF character has been received
com_Soft_S() Tests to see if the buffer has automatically sent an XOFF character
com_Soft() Queries or sets the software handshake (automatic XON/XOFF)
Ceiling() Rounds up to the next integer
Celsius() Converts a Fahrenheit temperature value into Celsius
Center() Centers a string using pad characters
CGA40() Switches to 40-column mode (color or monochrome)
CGA80() Switches to 80-column mode (color or monochrome)
CharAdd() Adds the corresponding ASCII codes of two strings
CharAnd() Links corresponding ASCII codes of paired strings with an AND operation
CharEven() Returns characters in the even positions of a string
CharList() Lists each character in a string
CharMirr() Mirrors characters within a string
CharMix() Mixes two strings together
CharNoList() Lists the characters that do not appear in a string
CharNot() Complements each character in a string
CharOdd() Returns characters in the odd positions of a string
CharOne() Reduces adjoining duplicate characters in a string to one character
CharOnly() Determines the common denominator between two strings on the basis of individual characters
CharOr() Joins the corresponding ASCII code of paired strings with an OR operation
CharPack() Compresses (packs) a string
CharPix() Returns the number of pixel lines per character
CharRelA() Correlates the character positions in paired strings
CharRelRep() Replaces characters in a string depending on their correlation
CharRem() Removes particular characters from a string
CharRepl() Replaces certain characters with others
CharSort() Sorts sequences within a string
CharSpread() Expands a string at the tokens
CharSwap() Exchanges all adjoining characters in a string
CharUnpack() Decompresses (unpacks) a string
CharWin() Exchanges particular characters in a screen area.
CharXor() Joins corresponding ASCII codes of paired strings using an exclusive OR operation
Checksum() Calculates the checksum for a character string (algorithm)
ClearBit() Clears one or more bits within a number to zero
ClearEol() Clears from the cursor position to the end of line
ClearSlow() Deletes a screen area from the outside in with a delay
ClearWin() Clears a screen area
ClEol() Clears characters and attributes to the end of a line
ClWin() Clears character and attribute from a screen area
CLOSESOCK() Closes the socket and all connected IPX/SPX handles
ColorRepl() Exchanges particular screen attributes
ColorToN() Converts NN/NN or CC/CC color values into numeric values
ColorWin() Exchanges particular attributes in a screen area
Complement() Forms the complement value of a data type
Cos() Computes the cosine
Cot() Computes the cotangent
CountGets() Determines the number of posted GET fields
CountLeft() Counts a particular character at the beginning of a string
CountRight() Counts a particular character at the end of a string
CPUType() Determines what type of microprocessor in use
Crypt() Encrypts and decrypts a string
CSetAtMupa() Determines the setting of the multi-pass mode for ATXXX() functions
CSetKey()* Queries the setting for SET KEY TO
CSetRef() Determines whether or not reference sensitive functions return a value
CSetSafety() Queries/sets the safety mode switch
CSETALL() Saves all ON/OFF switch settings
CSETCLIP() Determines the content of CA-Clipper environmental variables
CSETDATE()* Queries the SET DATE setting
CSETDECI()* Queries the setting for SET DECIMALS TO
CSETDEFA()* Queries the setting for SET DEFAULT
CSETFUNC()* Queries the setting for SET FUNCTION TO
CSETLDEL()* Queries the setting for the left delimiters
CSETMARG()* Queries the setting for SET MARGIN TO
CSETPATH()* Queries the setting for SET PATH TO
CSETRDEL()* Queries the setting for the right delimiter
CSETRDONLY()* Queries/sets the read-only mode switch
CSETSNOW() Helps prevent snow on the screen
CSETxxxx()* Queries the SET position of a particular ON/OFF switch and provides the option to set it
CToBit() Converts a character string into a bit pattern
CToDoW() Converts the name of the day of the week into a corresponding number
CToF() Converts a special 8-byte string into a floating point number
CToMonth() Converts the name of the month into a corresponding number
CToN() Converts a numeric string into a different base
CurrentGet() Determines the number of the currently active GET field
DATATYPE()* Determines the data type of a variable or UDF
DbfSize() Determines the size of a selected (.dbf) file in memory
DBFDSKSIZE() Determines the size of a selected (.dbf) file on a disk drive
DeleteFile() Deletes an error-tolerant file
DirChange() Changes the current directory
DirMake() Creates a directory
DirName() Determines the name of the current directory
DirRemove() Removes a directory
DiskChange() Changes the current disk drive
DiskFree() Determines the space available on a floppy or hard disk
DiskName() Determines the drive designator for the current drive
DiskTotal() Determines the total capacity of a floppy or hard disk
DISKCHECK() Creates a checksum for a disk
DISKFORMAT() Formats disks, controlled through a UDF
DISKREADY() Tests to see if a disk drive is ready
DISKREADYW() Queries whether you can write to a drive
DISKSPEED() Determines a comparison value for the drive speed
DISKSTAT() Determines the status of a drive.
DISKTYPE() Determines the type of data carrier
DMY() Returns a date in "DD Month YY" format
DosParam() Retrieves the DOS command line as a string
DoY() Determines the day of the year for a specific date
DriveType() Determines the drive type
DSetKBIOS() Turns the extended keyboard mode on or off through BIOS (additional keys F11, F12)
DSETNOLINE() Ignores the next line feed sent to the screen
DSETQFILE() Creates a protocol file when the program ends normally
DSETTYPE() Determines the size of the keyboard buffer (SET TYPEAHEAD TO)
DSETWINDOW() Reroutes external functions and programs to a window
DToR() Converts from a degree to radian measure
EGA43() Switches to the 43-line EGA mode
EGAPALETTE() Changes EGA palette colors
Enhanced() Selects the enhanced color value for SET COLOR TO output
EnvParam() Reads the entire DOS environment table into a string
EoM() Determines the date for the last day of a month
EoQ() Determines the date for the end of a quarter
EoY() Determines the date for the end of the year
ERRORACT() Recommends an action for a DOS error that has occurred previously
ERRORBASE() Source of the most-recent DOS error
ERRORCODE() Identifies a DOS error that has occurred previously
ERRORORG() Origin of the most-recent DOS error
ExeName() Returns name and directory of the current CA-Clipper program
Expand() Expands a string by inserting characters
Exponent() Determines the exponent of a floating point number (base 2)
Fact() Computes the factorial
Fahrenheit() Converts a temperature value from Celsius into Fahrenheit
FieldDeci() Determines the number of decimal places in a field
FieldNum() Determines the field number for a specific field in a database file
FieldSize() Determines the size of a field
FieldType() Determines the data type for a field
FileAppend() Appends data to a file
FileAttr() Determines a file's attributes
FileCCLose() Closes a file after backup mode
FileCCont() Copies sections of a file in backup mode
FileCDaTi() Determines whether a source file's date and time stamp or the system's date and time stamp, should be used to create or copy a file. Use original or
FileCopy() Copies files normally or in backup mode
FileCOpen() Tests to see if the file is still open in the backup mode
FileDate() Determines the file date
FileDelete() Deletes file(s) by name and attribute
FileMove() Moves files to another directory
FileScreen() Reads screen content from a file
FileSeek() Searches for files by name and attribute
FileSize() Determines the size of a file
FileSMax() Specifies the maximum number of files that can be open at one time
FileStr() Reads a portion of a file into a string
FileTime() Determines a file's time
FILECHECK() Calculates/computes/determines a checksum for a file
FILESFREE() Specifies the number of files you can open
FILEVALID() Tests whether a string has a valid file name
FIRSTCOL() Sets the first visible column of a virtual screen
FIRSTROW() Sets the first visible line of a virtual screen
Floor() Rounds down to the next integer
FLOPPYTYPE() Determines the exact type of floppy drive
FONTLOAD() Loads EGA/VGA fonts from another file
FONTRESET() Resets all font and palette changes to the ROM defaults
FONTROTATE() Rotates and mirrors images within a font string
FONTSELECT() Determines font areas for normal- and high-intensity output
FToC() Converts a floating point number into a special 8-byte string
FV() Computes future value of capital
GetClearA() Queries the current attribute for the clearing functions
GetClearB() Queries the default character for the clearing functions
GetFldCol() Determines the screen column of a GET field
GetFldRow() Determines the row of a GET field on the screen
GetFldVar() Determines the name of a GET field
GetInput() Keyboard input function similar to a GET field
GetKXLat() Determines the current key code table
GetKXTab() Retrieves the entire key code table
GetPrec() Determines the level of precision that is set
GetSecret() Keyboard input function for hidden input (similar to a GET field)
GETBOXGROW() Gets the time delay with which boxes are opened
GETCOUNTRY() Queries country setting for the operating system
GETCURSOR()* Determines the setting for the cursor form
GETFONT() Queries the current font
GETLINES() Determines the number of lines after which the screen display pauses
GETMODE() Uses the current screen mode as a function name
GETPAGE() Determines the current screen page
GETPBIOS() Determines if printing is through DOS or the BIOS
GETPXLAT() Retrieves the current printer table
GETSCRMODE() Determines the number of the active video mode
GETSCRSTR() Queries screen output that was redirected by SETSCRSTR()
GETSHARE() Determines the file open (share) mode
GETTAB() Retrieves tab values for CA-Clipper screen output
GETTIC() Determines the number of timer ticks
GETVGAPAL() Determines the palette settings on a VGA card
HexToStr() Converts a hexadecimal string into a byte sequence
Infinity() Creates the largest number possible (21023)
IntNeg() Converts an unsigned integer into a signed integer
IntPos() Converts a signed integer into an unsigned integer
InvertAttr() Inverts the foreground and background of an attribute
InvertWin() Inverts all attributes in an area of the screen
INBYTE() Reads an 8 byte from a port
INKEYTRAP() Behaves like Inkey() with support for key traps
INPUTMODE() Determines the previously active or the currently active input mode
INWORD() Reads in a 16-bit word from a port
IPXERROR() Determines the error code of the last IPX/SPX call
IPXOPEN() Opens the IPX sending and receiving buffer
IsAt() Determines if a program is running on an AT
IsBit() Tests the bits in a number
IsCGA() Tests for presence of a CGA card or if one can be emulated
IsEGA() Determines if an EGA card is present or can be emulated
IsHercules() Determines if a HERCULES card is present or can be emulated
IsLeap() Tests if a specific year is a leap year
IsMath() Determines if a math coprocessor is installed
IsMCGA() Determines if an MCGA card is present or can be emulated
IsMono() Determines if a monochrome card is present or can be emulated
IsPGA() Determines if a PGA card is present or can be emulated
IsVGA() Determines if a VGA card is present
ISANSI() Tests to see if the ANSI screen driver is installed
ISDBT() Determines if a memo file (.dbt) is present
ISDEBUG() Determines if the debugger is available in the application
ISIPX() Checks for IPX support
ISNETBIOS() Checks for NetBIOS support
ISSPX() Checks for SPX support
JustLeft() Moves characters from the beginning to the end of a string
JustRight() Moves characters from the end of a string to the beginning
KbdStat() Tests for key shift state status, such as Ctrl and Shift
KBDDISABLE() Locks/unlocks the keyboard
KBDEMULATE() Inserts characters into the BIOS keyboard buffer to emulate keyboard input
KBDSPEED() Sets keyboard auto repeat speed
KBDTYPE() Determines the type of keyboard in use
KeySec() Triggers a key trap after a time delay
KeyTime() Triggers a key trap at a specific clock time
KEYREAD() Reads already processed CA-Clipper keyboard buffer input
KEYSEND() Simulates CA-Clipper keyboard buffer input
KSetCaps() Queries/sets the system setting for CAPS LOCK
KSetIns() Queries/sets the system setting for "INSERT"
KSetNum() Queries/sets the system setting for NUMLOCK
KSetScroll() Queries/sets the system setting for SCROLL LOCK
LastDayOM() Determines the number of days in a month
LASTKFUNC() Returns the function name that created the most-recent key trap
LASTKLINE() Returns the line number of the most-recent key trap
LASTKPROC() Returns the procedure name that was interrupted
Like() Compares character strings using wildcard characters
Log10() Computes the common logarithm
LToC() Converts a logical value into a character
LToN() Converts a logical value into a numeric value
Mantissa() Determines the mantissa of a floating point number (base2)
MaxCol() Extends the CA-Clipper MaxCol() function
MaxLine() Finds the longest line within a string
MaxRow() Extends the CA-Clipper MaxRow() function
MAXFONT() Determines the number of available fonts
MAXPAGE() Determines the number of available screen pages
MDY() Returns a date in the "Month DD, YY" format
MEMSIZE() Determines size of conventional or extended memory
Millisec() Time delay in milliseconds
MONISWITCH() Switches between monochrome and color screen
MONOCHROME() Switches to the monochrome mode
NBADDGROUP() Adds a NetBIOS group name to the local name table
NBADDNAME() Adds a NetBIOS station name to the local name table
NBDELNAME() Deletes a NetBIOS name from the local name table
NBDOPEN() Opens the NetBIOS datagram sending and receiving buffer
NBERROR() Determines the error code of the most recent NetBIOS call
NBNAME() Reads a NetBIOS name from the name table of a workstation
NBNAMECNT() Determines the number of NetBIOS names on a workstation
NBNAMENUM() Determines the number of a NetBIOS name
NBNAMESTAT() Determines the status of a NetBIOS name
NBRESET() Resets the NetBIOS adapter
NBSCALL() Opens a NetBIOS session sending and receiving buffer and attempts a connection setup
NBSCONTARG() Determines the target name of a NetBIOS communication session
NBSLISTCON() Opens the NetBIOS session sending and receiving buffer and waits for connection in the background
NetCancel() Releases the redirection of a local device
NetDisk() Determines whether a drive is local or resident on the server
NetPrinter() Determines whether the current printer is a local or network printer
NetRedir() Redirects a local device to a server
NetRmtname() Determines the name of a server device for a local device
Network() Tests to see if a network is active
NETLOCNAME() Determines the name of a local redirected device
NNetwork() Determines whether or not a Novell network is active
NNETACCDIS() Sets or queries an access account lock
NNETADDGRP() Adds one or more users to a group
NNETADDQOP() Adds operators to a print queue
NNETADDQSV() Adds a print server
NNETADDQUS() Adds a queue user
NNETADDSET() Adds a bindery object to a set property
NNETADR() Determines the internal netaddress of a user
NNETAEXPD() Determines or sets the expiration date of an access account
NNETATTACH() Attaches a file server to a workstation
NNETBANNER() Sets or queries the current banner name
NNETBINACC() Determines the bindery security access level
NNETBINCL() Closes a bindery
NNETBINOP() Opens a bindery
NNETBRDCST() Determines or queries the receiving mode for broadcast messages
NNETCAPACT() Determines if the capture mode is active for an LPT device
NNETCAPBEG() Activates the capture mode for an LPT device
NNETCAPCAN() Deactivates the capture mode and aborts the print job
NNETCAPEND() Terminates the capture mode for an LPT device
NNETCAPFLU() Closes the current print job and dispatches it
NNETCAPJOB() Determines the job number of the most recently opened capture job
NNETCAPSSF() Sets the Novell capture mode flags
NNETCCNSRV() Determines the number of attached file servers
NNETCLRCON() Clears a connection number
NNETCOPRIV() Tests for console privileges under Novell
NNETCOPY() Copies files within a Novell file server
NNETCPASS() Modifies or sets the password for a bindery object
NNETCRTGRP() Creates a new group
NNETCRTOBJ() Creates a new bindery object
NNETCRTPRP() Creates a new bindery property
NNETCRTQ() Creates a new print queue
NNETCRTUSR() Creates a new user
NNETCVSSRV() Determines the number of visible file servers in a network
NNETDELFAK() Deletes the fake root mapping for a drive
NNETDELOBJ() Deletes a bindery object
NNETDELPRP() Deletes an object property
NNETDELQ() Deletes a print queue
NNETDELSET() Deletes a bindery object from a set property
NNETDIRFRE() Determines the number of free directory entries in a volume
NNETDIRMAX() Determines the maximum number of directory entries in a volume
NNETDIRS() Determines the extended information about subdirectories
NNETDISLOG() Disables a file server for logins
NNETDISTTS() Turns off the Transaction Tracking System (TTS)
NNETDOWN() Shuts down the file server
NNETDSKUSE() Determines the server disk capacity occupied by a user
NNETENLOG() Enables a file server for logins
NNETENTTS() Activates the Transaction Tracking System (TTS)
NNETERROR() Returns the error most recently encountered by a Novell function
NNETEXTATT() Sets or queries extended file attributes
NNETFAKDEP() Determines the relative directory depth under a fake root
NNETFILES() Determines the extended information about subdirectories
NNETFSLST() Determines the names of all visible file servers within a network
NNETGETMSG() Reads the broadcast buffer on a file server
NNETGROUPS() Queries the user groups on a file server
NNETGRPMEM() Checks to see if a user is a member of a group
NNETINFO() Returns the information string of the Netware in use
NNETINGRPS() Determines the groups to which a user belongs
NNETINSET() Determines if a bindery object belongs to a set property
NNETINUSE() Returns the number of objects currently logged into the network
NNETISTTS() Checks for the availability of the Transaction Tracking System (TTS)
NNETJBAN() Determines if a banner page is printed for a job
NNETJBFILE() Sets or determines the file names in the banner text of a job
NNETJBNAME() Sets or determines the banner name for a job
NNETJCNT() Determines the number of jobs in a print queue
NNETJCOPY() Sets or determines the number of copies for a job
NNETJCPL() Sets or determines the number of characters per line for a job
NNETJDEL() Deletes a job from a print queue
NNETJDESC() Reads and modifies the job description
NNETJEDATE() Determines the entry date of a job
NNETJETIME() Determines the entry time of a job
NNETJFILE() Determines the name of a job file
NNETJFLAGS() Reads and sets the job control flag
NNETJFORM() Sets or determines the form name for a job
NNETJLIST() Determines a list of job numbers in a queue
NNETJLPP() Sets or determines the number of lines per page for a job
NNETJOWNER() Determines the login name of a job owner
NNETJPOINT() Determines if a job is serviced at an interrupt
NNETJPOS() Determines or changes the position of a job in a queue
NNETJSDATE() Queries and sets a job start date
NNETJSIZE() Determines the size of a job file
NNETJSRV() Sets or determines the target or the processing print server
NNETJSTIME() Queries or sets the job start time
NNETJSUPFF() Checks to see if the form feed at the end of a job is suppressed
NNETJTABS() Sets or determines the tab setting for a job
NNETJTXT() Determines if the contents of a job file are interpreted as text or a binary byte sequence
NNETJWORK() Checks to see if a job is currently in service on a print server
NNETLGUSER() Determines the users that are currently logged in on a file server
NNETLOGGED() Determines if a station has logged in using LOGIN
NNETLOGIN() Log in a user on a file server
NNETLOGOUT() Log out a user of one or all file servers
NNETMAP() Maps and unmaps drives
NNETMAPINF() Determines the mapping for a drive
NNETMAPMOD() Determines the mapping mode for a drive
NNETMAXCON() Sets or determines the maximum number of connections
NNETMAXRGH() Sets or queries the maximum and inherited rights for a directory
NNETMKDIR() Creates a directory on a volume
NNETMSGCLO() Reads the message buffer and uninstalls the broadcast system
NNETMSGCLR() Clears the broadcast buffer
NNETMSGCNT() Determines the number of messages in the broadcast buffer
NNETMSGKEY() Defines the key code for incoming broadcast messages
NNETMSGOPN() Initializes the interrupt-controlled broadcast system
NNETMSGRD() Reads the message from broadcast buffer
NNETMSGSIZ() Determines the size of the broadcast buffer
NNETNAME() Determines the user name for an internal netaddress
NNETNQSRVS() Determines the number of print servers that service a print queue
NNETNUMMEM() Determines the number of members of a set property
NNETNXTFRE() Returns the next available drive designator
NNETOBJID() Determines the object ID with the object name and the object type
NNETOBJNAM() Determines the object name of an object ID
NNETOBJSEC() Sets the security of a bindery object
NNETOBJTYP() Determines the object type of an object ID
NNETOCNUMS() Determines all of the stations where a user is logged in
NNETPDEV() Determines the names of defined devices
NNETPEXPD() Sets or determines the password expiration date
NNETPEXPI() Sets or determines the password expiration interval
NNETPFLEN() Determines the page length of a form definition
NNETPFNUM() Determines the number of the form
NNETPFORMS() Determines the names of the defined forms
NNETPFUNCO() Determines the control sequences of a function definition
NNETPFUNCS() Determines the function name for a device
NNETPFWDTH() Determines the form width of a form definition
NNETPJADD() Adds a new print job definition
NNETPJBAN() Sets or queries the print of a banner page
NNETPJBNAM() Sets or queries the banner name of a print job
NNETPJCAP() Sets or queries the capture mode for a print job
NNETPJCAPF() Starts the capture mode with print job settings
NNETPJCNT() Determines the number of jobs in a job file
NNETPJCOPY() Sets or queries the number of copies for a print job
NNETPJCRT() Creates an empty print job file
NNETPJDEF() Sets or queries the default print job for a user
NNETPJDEL() Deletes a print job definition
NNETPJDEV() Sets or queries the print job device
NNETPJFORM() Sets or queries the print job form
NNETPJFSRV() Sets or queries the file server for a print job
NNETPJLIST() Determines the print job list for a user
NNETPJLPT() Sets the LPT device for a print job definition
NNETPJMODE() Sets or queries the device mode for a print job
NNETPJNOTY() Sets or queries the notify mode for a print job
NNETPJPSRV() Sets or queries the target print server for a print job
NNETPJQ() Sets or queries the print queue for a print job
NNETPJSUPF() Sets or queries the form feed mode after a print job
NNETPJTABS() Sets or queries the tab widths for a print job
NNETPJTXT() Sets or queries the text or binary mode for a print job
NNETPJUSR() Sets or determines the user name of a print job
NNETPJWAIT() Sets or queries the timeout for a print job
NNETPMODES() Determines the mode name for a device
NNETPMODFU() Determines the functions of a mode definition
NNETPRPSEC() Sets the property security
NNETPSACC() Determines the access rights to a print server
NNETPSADDQ() Adds a queue to a print server printer
NNETPSAJOB() Aborts the print job that is currently being printed
NNETPSANO() Defines an object that is notified for the print server printer
NNETPSARP() Determines the available remote printers of a print server
NNETPSCAND() Cancels the down request of a print server
NNETPSCHGQ() Changes the queue priority
NNETPSCNO() Changes the settings for the object that is notified
NNETPSDELQ() Deletes queue access for a print server printer
NNETPSDNO() Deletes an object that is notified for a print server printer
NNETPSDOWN() Deinitializes a print server
NNETPSERR() Determines the error code of the most recent print server call
NNETPSFF() Initializes a form feed on the print server printer
NNETPSJBYT() Determines the number of bytes already printed for an active job
NNETPSJDSC() Determines the description of the active job
NNETPSJFRM() Determines the form number for the active job
NNETPSJFS() Determines the file server of the active job
NNETPSJNO() Determines the number of an active job
NNETPSJPCO() Determines the number of copies printed for the active job
NNETPSJQ() Determines the queue of the active job
NNETPSJSIZ() Determines the size of an active job
NNETPSJTCO() Determines the total number of copies for an active job
NNETPSJTXT() Checks to see if an active job is a text job
NNETPSLIN() Logs in a print server to a file server
NNETPSLOUT() Logs out a print server from a file server
NNETPSMTOF() Marks the top of the page on the print server printer
NNETPSNMOD() Determines the number of queue service modes
NNETPSNOTL() Determines the list of notified objects for the print server printer
NNETPSNPRN() Determines the number of print server printers
NNETPSPFRM() Sets or determines the form for the print server printer
NNETPSPJOB() Checks to see if the print server printer is processing a job
NNETPSPMOD() Sets or determines the queue service mode
NNETPSPNAM() Determines the name of a print server printer
NNETPSPROB() Determines the cause of an error for print server printer
NNETPSPSQ() Determines the list of printers that service a queue
NNETPSPSTA() Queries the status of a print server printer
NNETPSQL() Determines the queues that are serviced by a print server printer
NNETPSRRP() Requests a remote printerÆs configuration information
NNETPSSRM() Sets the remote printer mode
NNETPSSRVL() Determines the file server for the print server
NNETPSSTAT() Determines a print serverÆs status
NNETPSTART() Starts a print server printer
NNETPSTOP() Stops a print server printer
NNETPSTYPE() Determines a print serverÆs type
NNETPSVER() Determines a print serverÆs version
NNETPURGE() Removes the files that are marked for deletion from the server
NNETPWGRCE() Sets or queries the number of grace logins
NNETPWLEN() Sets or determines the minimum password length
NNETQDIR() Determines the queue directory
NNETQOPS() Determines the list of queue operators
NNETQSRVS() Determines the list of print servers that service a print queue
NNETQSTAT() Sets or reads a print queue status
NNETQUSERS() Determines the list of queue users
NNETRDITM() Reads an item property segment
NNETRDSET() Reads a set property
NNETREMGRP() Removes one or more users from a group
NNETREMQOP() Removes a queue operator
NNETREMQSV() Removes a queue server
NNETREMQUS() Removes a queue user
NNETRENDIR() Renames a directory on a volume
NNETRENOBJ() Renames a bindery object
NNETRGHMSK() Returns the rights mask, dependent on the Netware version
NNETRIGHTS() Tests for access rights to a Novell file server directory
NNETRMDIR() Removes a directory from a volume
NNETSALLST() Determines the list of recoverable files (Netware 3.x only)
NNETSALVAG() Recovers the files marked for deletion
NNETSCNBIN() Scans a bindery for an object
NNETSCNPRP() Scans a bindery object for a property
NNETSDATE() Queries the Novell file server date
NNETSEARCH() Determines the index of a search drive in the path variable
NNETSEMCLO() Closes a semaphore
NNETSEMOPC() Determines the number of stations that have opened a particular semaphore
NNETSEMOPN() Opens and initializes a semaphore
NNETSEMSGN() Increments a semaphore
NNETSEMVAL() Determines a semaphore's value
NNETSEMWAI() Decrements a semaphore
NNETSERNO() Determines the Netware serial number
NNETSETQ() Sets a print queue for the capture mode
NNETSETSRV() Sets an attached server as the default server
NNETSFTLVL() Determines the System Fault Tolerance (SFT) level of the Netware in use
NNETSLIST() Returns a list of all the attached file servers
NNETSNAME() Returns the name of the default file server
NNETSNDALL() Sends a message to all users on a file server
NNETSNDCON() Sends a message to the server console
NNETSNDGRP() Sends a message to all group members
NNETSNDLOG() Sends a message to the log file of a file server
NNETSNDUSR() Sends a message to a user
NNETSPRVSR() Determines if the logged in user has supervisor rights
NNETSPSTAT() Determines the status of a server printer
NNETSTAID() Determines the ID of a station (network card)
NNETSTANUM() Queries the station number on a file server
NNETSTIME() Queries the time on a Novell file server
NNETTRSLST() Determines the trustee directories and files
NNETTRUST() Grants or removes trustee rights
NNETTTSAB() Aborts a running transaction
NNETTTSBEG() Starts an explicit transaction
NNETTTSEND() Terminates a transaction
NNETTTSSTA() Determines the transaction status after completion
NNETUSERID() Queries the established network user IDs
NNETUSERS() Determines the users on a file server
NNETUSINGR() Determines the users that are members of a group
NNETUSRFRE() Determines the server disk space still available to a user
NNETVER() Determines the version of the Netware in use
NNETVOLFRE() Determines the available capacity of a server volume
NNETVOLMAX() Determines the maximum capacity of a server volume
NNETVOLNAM() Determines the name of a server volume
NNETVOLNUM() Determines the maximum number of available server volumes
NNETVPASS() Verifies a password for a bindery object
NNETWHOAMI() Determines the station LOGIN name
NNETWRTITM() Writes a segment of an item property
NToC() Converts the numbers in a digit string into a different number base
NToCDoW() Changes the number of a weekday into a weekday name
NToCMonth() Changes the number of a month into a month name
NToColor() Converts a numeric value into a color value in the NN/NN or CC/CC form
Nul() Converts the value returned by a function into a null string
NumAnd() Performs a 16-bit "AND" of a list of numbers
NumAt() Counts the number of occurrences of a sequence within a string
NumCount() Uses the internal CA-Clipper Tools counter
NumDiskL() Determines the number of available logical drives
NumHigh() Returns the higher value byte in a 16-bit number
NumLine() Determines the number of lines required for string output
NumLow() Returns the lower value byte in a 16-bit number
NumMirr() Mirrors 8-bit or 16-bit values
NumNot() Performs a 16-bit "NOT" of a number
NumOr() Performs a 16-bit "OR" of a list of numbers
NumRol() Performs a 16-bit left rotation of a number
NumToken() Determines the number of tokens in a string
NumXor() Performs a 16-bit "XOR" of two numbers
NUMBUFFERS() Determines the BUFFERS= setting
NUMCOL() Restores the number of available screen columns
NUMDISKF() Determines the number of installed disk drives
NUMDISKH() Determines the number of hard disks
NUMFILES() Determines the maximum number of files you can open simultaneously
NUMFKEY() Determines the number of function keys
NUMPRINTER() Returns the number of parallel ports
OPENSOCK() Opens the socket for IPX or SPX communication
OSVER() Returns the DOS version number
OUTBYTE() Sends a byte to a port
OUTWORD() Sends a 16-bit word to a port
PadLeft() Pads a string on the left to a particular length
PadRight() Pads a string on the right to a particular length
Payment() Computes the periodic payment amount
PAGECOPY() Copies one screen page to another
PCType() Returns the type of computer in use
Periods() Computes the number of payment periods necessary to repay a loan
PEEKBYTE() Reads a byte from memory
PEEKSTR() Reads a byte sequence from memory
PEEKWORD() Reads a 16-bit word from memory
Pi() Returns pi with the highest degree of accuracy
PosAlpha() Determines the position of the first alphabetic character in a string
PosChar() Replaces an individual character at a particular position within a character string
PosDel() Deletes characters at a particular position in a string
PosDiff() Finds the first position from which two strings differ
PosEqual() Finds the first position at which two strings are the same
PosIns() Inserts characters at a particular position within a string
PosLower() Finds the position of the first lower case alphabetic character
PosRange() Determines the position of the first character within a given ASCII code range
PosRepl() Replaces one or more characters from a certain position
PosUpper() Finds the position of the first upper case, alphabetic character
POKEBYTE() Writes a byte to memory
POKEWORD() Writes a 16-bit word to memory
PPCBUFTYP() Determines the communication buffer type
PPCCANCEL() Closes the communication handle and the connected buffers
PPCCONACT() Checks for an active communication connection
PPCEVENT() Queries the event code that most recently triggered a key trap
PPCKEY() Supervises the communication buffer with key traps
PPCREAD() Reads data from a communication receiving buffer
PPCRECCNT() Determines the number of characters in a communication receiving buffer
PPCRECDISC() Determines the number of discarded packets
PPCRECERR() Determines the error code of the most recent receiving process
PPCRECFAIL() Determines the number of packets received with a failure
PPCRECFLSH() Clears a communication receiving buffer
PPCRECFREE() Determines the number of free characters in a communication receiving buffer
PPCRECSIZE() Determines the size of a communication receiving buffer
PPCRECTOT() Determines the total number of received packets
PPCSNDCNT() Determines the number of characters in a communication sending buffer
PPCSNDERR() Determines the error code of the most recent sending process
PPCSNDFAIL() Determines the number of packets sent with failure
PPCSNDFLSH() Clears a communication sending buffer
PPCSNDFREE() Determines the number of free characters in a communication sending buffer
PPCSNDSIZE() Determines the size of a communication sending buffer
PPCSNDTOT() Determines the total number of packets that have been sent
PPCWRITE() Writes data to a communication sending buffer
PrintINIT() Initializes one of the printers
PrintReady() Determines if a particular printer is ready
PrintSend() Sends characters directly to a printer
PrintStat() Determines the status of a parallel port
PRINTERROR() Returns the error code for the last printer output
PRINTFILE() Prints out ASCII files; clears high bits
PRINTSCR() Prints screen contents
PRINTSCRX() Prints screen contents while it exchanges specific characters
PV() Computes the cash present value after interest charges
Quarter() Determines the quarter in which a specific date lies
Rand() Generates random numbers
Random() Generates random numbers
RangeRem() Deletes characters that are within a specified ASCII code range
RangeRepl() Replaces characters within a specified ASCII code range with a particular character
Rate() Computes the interest rate for a loan
RemAll() Removes particular characters from the beginning and end of a string
RemLeft() Removes particular characters from the beginning of a string
RemRight() Removes particular characters at the end of a string
RenameFile() Fault tolerant renaming of a file.
ReplAll() Exchanges particular characters at the beginning and end of a string
ReplLeft() Exchanges particular characters at the beginning of a string
ReplRight() Exchanges particular characters at the end of a string
RestCursor() Restores a saved cursor position and form
RestGets() Restores GET settings from an array
RestSetKey() Restores SET KEY..TO settings from an array
RestToken() Recreates an incremental tokenizer environment
RESTFSEEK() Restores the FILESEEK environment
RToD() Converts from a radian to degree measure
SaveCursor() Saves current cursor position and form
SaveGets() Saves the GET settings of the active environment
SaveSetKey() Saves SET KEY..TO settings in an array
SaveToken() Saves the incremental tokenizer environment to a variable
SayDown() Displays screen output downward and vertically
SayMoveIn() Displays screen output with a "move in" effect
SayScreen() Output to the screen without changing the attribute
SaySpread() Displays screen output with "spread" effect
SAVEFSEEK() Saves the current FILESEEK environment
ScreenAttr() Determines the attribute at a particular position
ScreenFile() Writes screen content to a file
ScreenMark() Searches for a string on the screen and marks it with an attribute
ScreenMix() Mixes characters and attributes of a screen
ScreenStr() Reads a string, including attributes, from the screen
SCANKEY() Queries scan code of keyboard input
SCREENSIZE() Queries the number of characters that can be displayed on a screen or window
SecToTime() Converts seconds into a time string
SetAtLike() Provides an additional search mode for all AT functions
SetBit() Sets one or more bits in a number
SetClearA() Changes the default attribute for screen clear
SetClearB() Changes the default character for screen clear
SetCursor() Sets the cursor form
SetDate() Sets the system date
SetFAttr() Sets a file's attributes
SetFCreate() Default attribute for creating with CA-Clipper Tools functions
SetFDaTi() Sets the date and time of a file
SetFont() Loads the font directly out of a string
SetKXLat() Redefines key codes or lock keys
SetKXTab() Installs key tables
SetLastKey() Sets the value for LastKey()
SetPrec() Sets the precision level for trigonometric functions
SetRC() Sets line and column for the CA-Clipper cursor
SetTime() Sets the system clock
SETBELL() Sets the tone frequency and duration for Chr(7) or CA-Clipper's "beep"
SETBOXGROW() Opens boxes with a time delay
SETLINES() Determines the number of lines after which the screen display pauses
SETMAXCOL() Sets the number of columns for a virtual screen
SETMAXROW() Sets the number of lines for a virtual screen
SETPAGE() Selects a new screen page
SETPBIOS() Redirects print output to the BIOS or DOS, and establishes the timeout
SETPXLAT() Establishes translation tables for printer output
SETQNAME() Changes the file and path name for the QUIT file
SETSCRMODE() Establishes a new video mode
SETSCRSTR() Redirects screen output into a string
SETSHARE() Sets the default opening mode (share mode) for CA-Clipper Tools file functions
SETTAB() Sets the tab widths for CA-Clipper screen outputs
SETTIC() Increases number of time ticks to produce a more precise time measurement
ShowTime() Continuously displays the time at desired screen position
SHOWKEY() Continuously displays the INSERT and LOCK status
Sign() Determines the mathematical sign of a number
Sin() Computes the sine of a radian value
SOUND() Creates tones (melodies) by designating frequency and duration
SPEED() A comparison value used to determine the processor speed
SPOOLACTIV() Determines if the DOS PRINT program is installed
SPOOLADD() Appends a file to the print queue.
SPOOLCOUNT() Determines the number of entries in the print spool queue
SPOOLDEL() Deletes files from the print queue
SPOOLENTRY() Determines the name and path of a print job
SPOOLFLUSH() Completely empty the print queue
SPXCONTARG() Determines the target internet address of an SPX communication
SPXESTBCON() Opens the SPX sending and receiving buffer and tries a connection setup
SPXLISTCON() Opens the SPX sending and receiving buffer and waits for a connection in the background
SSETBREAK() Sets and checks the DOS BREAK switch
SSETVERIFY() Sets and checks the DOS VERIFY switch
Standard() Selects the standard color value for SET COLOR TO output
StrDiff() Finds similarity between two strings (Levenshtein Distance)
StrFile() Writes a string to a file
StrScreen() Displays a string with characters and attributes on the screen
StrSwap() Interchanges two strings
StrToHex() Converts a byte sequence into hexadecimal form
STACKFREE() Determines the remaining stack space
SToD() Converts an ANSI date string into CA-Clipper format
TabExpand() Converts tabs to spaces
TabPack() Converts spaces in tabs
Tan() Computes the tangent of a radian value
TempFile() Creates a file for temporary use
TimeToSec() Calculates the seconds since midnight
TimeValid() Determines whether a specified time is valid
TokenAt() Determines the most recent TokenNext() position within a string
TokenEnd() Determines if more tokens are available in TokenNext()
TokenInit() Initializes a string for TokenNext()
TokenLower() Converts the initial alphabetic character of a token into lower case
TokenNext() Provides an incremental tokenizer
TokenSep() Provides the separator before or after the token most recently retrieved by TOKEN()
TokenUpper() Converts the initial letter of a token into upper case
ToolVer() Queries the version number of the CA-Clipper Tools in use
TOF() Determines if CA-Clipper is at top of form (TOF)
TOKEN() Selects the nth token from a string
TrueName() Standardizes the path designation
TRAPANYKEY() Calls a procedure with any keyboard input
TRAPINPUT() Allows supervision of CA-Clipper input commands
TRAPSHIFT() Calls a procedure that depends on switching keys
Unselected() Selects the unselected color value for SET COLOR TO output
UnTextWin() Replaces an area of characters from a region of the screen
ValPos() Determines the numerical value of the character at a particular position
VGA28() Switches to 28-line VGA mode
VGA50() Switches to 50-line VGA mode.
VGAPalette() Changes VGA palette colors
VideoType() Returns bit-coded information about available video modes
VIDEOINIT() Reinitializes a video system after a RUN
VIDEOSETUP() Queries video mode at system start
VolSerial() Determines the DOS disk serial number
Volume() Establishes a volume label for a floppy or hard disk
WaitPeriod() Pauses a specified time in increments of 1/100 seconds
WAClose() Closes all windows
WBoard() Allocates allowable screen area for windows
WBox() Places a frame around the active window
WCenter() Returns a window to the visible screen area, or centers it
WClose() Closes the active window
WCol() Returns the position of the leftmost column of the active window
Week() Returns the calendar week for a date
WFCol() Returns the position of the leftmost column of the formatted area of a window
WFLastCol() Returns the position of the rightmost column of the formatted area of a window
WFLastRow() Returns the position of the bottom row of the formatted area of a window
WFormat() Determines the usable area within a window
WFRow() Returns the position of the top row of the formatted area of a window
WLastCol() Returns the position of the rightmost column of the active window
WLastRow() Returns the position of the bottom row of the active window
WMode() Turns the screen border overstep mode on or off
WMove() Moves a window
WNum() Determines the highest window handle
WoM() Returns the week within a month.
WordOne() Reduces the multiple appearances of particular double characters to one
WordOnly() Finds the common denominator between two strings on the basis of double characters
WordRepl() Replaces particular double characters with others
WordSwap() Exchanges double characters that lie beside each other in a string
WordToChar() Exchanges double characters for individual ones
WOpen() Opens a new window
WRow() Returns the position of the top row of the active window
WSelect() Activates one of the open windows
WSetMove() Turns the interactive movement mode on or off
WSetShadow() Sets the window shadow colors
WStep() Determines the step width of interactive window movement
XMoBlock() Generates a block for XMODEM transmission
XMoCheck() Tests a received XMODEM block
XToC() Converts an expression of any data type into a string
ZeroInsert() Inserts a 0-bit after every fifth 1-bit
ZeroRemove() Removes 0-bits in a file block
Appendix A - Key Codes A - Key Codes
Appendix B - MS/PC-DOS Extended Errors B - MS/PC-DOS Extended Errors
Appendix C - Novell Error Codes C - Novell Error Codes
Appendix D - IPX and SPX Error Codes D - IPX and SPX Error Codes
Appendix E - NetBIOS Error Codes E - NetBIOS Error Codes
Appendix F - Print Server Error Codes F - Print Server Error Codes
CA-Clipper Tools Copyright
gtwvw lib
GTWVW Copyright
hbct lib
CT3 date and time functions
AddMonth() add months to a date
BoM() Begin of Month
BoQ() Begin of Quarter
BoY() Begin of Year
CToDoW() convert name of day of the week to its ordinal number
CToMonth() convert name of month to its ordinal number
DMY() Returns the date as a string in
DD Month YY
formatDoY() Determines the day of the year for a specific date
EoM() End of Month
EoQ() End of Quarter
EoY() End of Year
IsLeap() determines of year of date is a leap year
LastDayOM() Returns the the number of days in the month.
NToCDoW() (num of day) → day name
NToCMonth() (num of month ) → Month Name
Quarter() Returns a number equal to the quarter in which a date falls
SetDate() Sets the system date
SetTime() Sets the system clock
TimeValid() Determines whether a specified time is valid
WaitPeriod() Pauses a specified time in increments of 1/100 seconds
Week() Returns the calendar week a number
CT3 general functions
CSetArgErr() Sets argument error behaviour
CT3 math functions
Acos() Arcus cosine of the argument
Asin() Arcus sine of the argument
Atan() Arcus tangent of the argument
Atn2() Arcus tangent a sine and a cosine argument
Ceiling() Rounds up a number to the next integer
Cos() Cosine of the argument
Cosh() Hyperbolic Cosine of the argument
Cot() Cotangent of the argument
DToR() Convert degree to radiant
Fact() Calculates faculty
Floor() Rounds down a number to the next integer
FV() Future value of a capital
GetPrec() Get precision of math functions
Log10() Decadic logarithm of a number
Payment() Payments for a loan
Periods() Number of periods for a loan
Pi() Returns Pi, the perimeter-to-diameter-ratio of a circle
PV() Present value of a loan
Rate() Estimate rate of interest for a loan
RToD() Convert radiant to degree
SetPrec() Set precision of math functions
Sign() Sign of a number
Sin() Sine of the argument
Sinh() Hyperbolic Sine of the argument
Tan() Tangent of the argument
Tanh() Hyperbolic Tangent of the argument
CT3 miscellaneous functions
CT3 number and bit manipulation functions
Exponent() Evaluate the exponent of a floating point number
Mantissa() Evaluate the mantissa of a floating point number
CT3 numeric functions
Celsius() Temperature conversion Fahrenheit to Celsius
Fahrenheit() Temperature conversion Celsius to Fahrenheit
Infinity() Returns the largest floating point number available in the system
CT3 printer functions
CT3 string functions
AddAscii() Add an integer value to an ASCII value of a string
AfterAtNum() Returns string portion after nth occurrence of substring
AsciiSum() calculate the sum of the ASCII values of the characters in a string
AscPos() ASCII value of a character at a certain position
AtAdjust() Adjusts a sequence within a string to a specified position
AtNum() Returns the start position of the nth occurrence of a substring in a string
AtRepl() Search and replace sequences in a string
AtToken() Position of a token in a string
BeforAtNum() Returns string portion before nth occurrence of substring
CharAdd() Adds corresponding ASCII value of two strings
CharAnd() Combine corresponding ASCII value of two strings with bitwise AND
CharEven() Returns the characters on the even positions in a string
CharHist() Generates a character histogram of a string
CharList() Generates a list of all characters in a string
CharMirr() Mirror a string
CharMix() Mix two strings
CharNoList() Generates a list of all characters not contained in a string
CharNot() Process each character in a string with bitwise NOT operation
CharOdd() Returns the characters on the odd positions in a string
CharOne() Reduce multiple occurrences of a character to one
CharOnly() Intersectional set of two strings based on characters
CharOr() Combine corresponding ASCII value of two strings with bitwise OR
CharRelA() Character relation of two strings
CharRelRep() Relation dependent character replacement
CharRem() Removes characters from a string
CharRepl() Replacement of characters
CharRll() Process each character in a string with bitwise ROLL LEFT operation
CharRlr() Process each character in a string with bitwise ROLL RIGHT operation
CharShl() Process each character in a string with bitwise SHIFT LEFT operation
CharShr() Process each character in a string with bitwise SHIFT RIGHT operation
CharSList() Generates a sorted list of all characters in a string
CharSort() Sort sequences within a string.
CharSub() Subtracts corresponding ASCII value of two strings
CharSwap() Swap neighbouring characters in a string
CharXor() Combine corresponding ASCII value of two strings with bitwise XOR
CountLeft() Count a certain character at the beginning of a string
CountRight() Count a certain character at the end of a string
CSetAtMupa() Determine "multi-pass" behaviour in some string functions
CSetRef() Determine return value of reference sensitive CT3 string functions
JustLeft() Move characters from the beginning to the end of a string
JustRight() Move characters from the end to the beginning of a string
NumAt() Number of occurrences of a sequence in a string
NumToken() Retrieves the number of tokens in a string
PadLeft() Fills string to a certain length on the left
PadRight() Fills string to a certain length on the right
PosAlpha() Left-most position of a letter in a string
PosChar() Replace character at a certain position within a string
PosDel() Delete characters at a certain position within a string
PosDiff() The left-most position there two string differ
PosEqual() The left-most position there two string begin to be equal
PosIns() Insert characters at a certain position within a string
PosLower() Left-most position of a lowercase letter in a string
PosRange() Left-most position of a character from a set in a string
PosRepl() Replace characters at a certain position within a string
PosUpper() Left-most position of an uppercase letter in a string
RangeRem() Remove characters within a certain ASCII range from a string
RANGEREPL Replace characters within a certain ASCII range from a string
RemAll() Remove certain characters at the left and right of a string
RemLeft() Remove certain characters at the left of a string
RemRight() Remove certain characters at the right of a string
ReplAll() Replace certain characters at the left and right of a string
ReplLeft() Replace certain characters at the left of a string
ReplRight() Replace certain characters at the right of a string
RestToken() Restore global token environment
SaveToken() Save the global token environment
SetAtLike() Determine scan behaviour in some string functions
StrDiff() Evaluate the "Edit (Levensthein) Distance" of two strings
StrSwap() Swap the contents of two strings
TabExpand() Replace tabulator control characters with fill characters
TabPack() Pack fill characters to appropriate tab characters
Token() Tokens of a string
TokenAt() Get start and end positions of tokens in a token environment
TokenEnd() Check whether additional tokens are available with TokenNext()
TokenExit() Release global token environment
TokenInit() Initializes a token environment
TokenLower() Change the first letter of tokens to lower case
TokenNext() Successively obtains tokens from a string
TokenNum() Get the total number of tokens in a token environment
TokenSep() Retrieves the token separators of the last Token() call
TokenUpper() Change the first letter of tokens to upper case
ValPos() Numerical value of a character at a certain position
WordOne() Reduce multiple occurrences of a double character to one
WordOnly() Intersectional set of two strings based on double characters
WordRem() Removes characters from a string
WordRepl() Replacement of double characters
WordSwap() Swap neighbouring double characters in a string
WordToChar() Replace double with single characters
CT3 switch and state functions
CT3 video functions
CharPix() Gets the number of scan lines per character.
Enhanced() Select the "ENHANCED" color value for output
SetFont() Loads font from a string.
Standard() Select the "STANDARD" color value for output
Unselected() Select the "UNSELECTED" color value for output
VGAPalette() Changes VGA palette colors
VideoType() Detects supported video adapter modes
CT3 video functions (Harbour extension)
hbcups lib
cupsGetDefault() Returns the CUPS name of the default printer.
cupsGetDests() Returns a list of all CUPS printers.
cupsPrintFile() Prints the named file on the named printer.
hbgd lib
The GD Library Read me file for GD Library
gdImageArc() Draws a partial ellipse centered at a given point.
gdImageCreate() Create a palette-based image in memory with no more that 256 colors.
gdImageCreateFromGD() Load a GD image file.
gdImageCreateFromGif() Load a GIF image file.
gdImageCreateFromJpeg() Load a JPEG image file.
gdImageCreateFromPng() Load a PNG image file.
gdImageCreateFromWBmp() Load a WBMP image file.
gdImageCreateTrueColor() Create a true color image in memory.
gdImageDashedLine() Draws a dashed line between two end points (x1, y1 and x2, y2) with a particular color index.
gdImageFill() floods a portion of the image with the specified color.
gdImageFilledArc() Draws a partial filled ellipse centered at a given point.
gdImageFilledEllipse() Draws a filled ellipse centered at a given point.
gdImageFilledPolygon() Draws a filled polygon with vertices (at least 3) with a particular color index.
gdImageFilledRectangle() Draws a filled rectangle with a particular color index.
gdImageFillToBorder() floods a portion of the image with the specified color.
gdImageGD() Save a GD image.
gdImageGif() Save a GIF image.
gdImageJpeg() Save a JPEG image.
gdImageLine() Draws a line between two end points (x1, y1 and x2, y2) with a particular color index.
gdImageOpenPolygon() Draws an open polygon with vertices (at least 3) with a particular color index.
gdImagePng() Save a PNG image.
gdImagePolygon() Draws a closed polygon with vertices (at least 3) with a particular color index.
gdImageRectangle() Draws a rectangle with a particular color index.
gdImageSetAntiAliased() specify the actual foreground color to be used when drawing anti-aliased lines.
gdImageSetAntiAliasedDontBlend() indicate the special color that the foreground should stand out more clearly against.
gdImageSetBrush() A "brush" is an image used to draw wide, shaped strokes in another image.
gdImageSetPixel() Set a pixel to a particular color index.
gdImageSetStyle() set any desired series of colors to be repeated during the drawing of a line.
gdImageSetThickness() determines the width of lines drawn in pixels.
gdImageSetTile() A "tile" is an image used to fill an area with a repeated pattern.
gdImageWBmp() Save a WBMP image.
hbgt lib
gt_ClrFlag() Set a number of flags to FALSE in a bit flag string.
gt_IsFlag() Test the setting of a flag in a bit flag string.
gt_NewFlag() Create a new bit flag string.
gt_SetFlag() Set a number of flags to TRUE in a bit flag string.
String Tools
gt_AsciiSum() Sum the ASCII values in a string.
gt_AscPos() Return the ASCII value of a specified character in a string
gt_AtDiff() Return the position where two strings begin to differ
gt_CharEven() Return a string of all the characters in even positions
gt_CharMix() Amalgamate two strings to form the return value
gt_CharOdd() Return a string of all the characters in odd positions
gt_ChrCount() Count the number of times a character appears in a string
gt_ChrFirst() Find which character occurs first in a string
gt_ChrTotal() Find number of times a set of characters appears in a string
gt_StrCount() Count the number of times a substring appears in a string
gt_StrCSPN() Return length of prefix in string of chars NOT in set.
gt_StrDiff() Return a string where it begins to differ from another
gt_StrExpand() Insert fillers between characters in a passed string
gt_StrLeft() Find length of prefix of a string
gt_StrPBRK() Return string after 1st char from a set
gt_StrRight() Find length of a suffix of a string
hbmisc lib
Conversion Tools
BinToDec() Converts a binary value to decimal
DecToBin() Converts a decimal value to binary
DecToHexa() Converts a decimal value to hexadecimal
DecToOctal() Converts a decimal value to octal
HexaToDec() Converts a hexadecimal value to decimal
IsBin() Check if the value is a binary number
IsDec() Check if the value is a Decimal Number
IsHexa() Check if the value is a hexadecimal number
IsOctal() Check if the value is a octal number
OctalToDec() Converts a octal value to decimal
ADays() Returns an array with the days names.
AMonths() Returns an array with the months names.
hbmisc_DaysInMonth() Gets the days in a month.
IsLeapYear() Checks if the given date is a leap year.
WoY() Gets the week number of the year.
TFileRead() Read a file one line at a time
hbnf lib
ft_AAddition() Add elements unique of source array to target array
ft_AAvg() Average numeric values in an array
ft_ADesSort() Sort an array in descending order
ft_AEMaxLen() Find longest element within an array
ft_AEMinLen() Find shortest element within an array
ft_AMedian() Find middle value in array, or average of two middle values
ft_ANoMatches() Find the number of array elements meeting a condition
ft_ArEdit() 2 dimensional array editing function using TBrowse
ft_ASum() Sum the elements of an array
ft_RestArr() Restore a Clipper array from a disc file
ft_SaveArr() Save Clipper array to a disc file.
ft_Byt2Bit() Convert byte to string of 1's and 0's
ft_Byt2Hex() Convert byte to hexadecimal version of its binary value
ft_D2E() Convert decimal to scientific notation
ft_Dec2Bin() Convert decimal to binary
ft_Descend() Create a descending index key value
ft_E2D() Convert scientific notation string to a decimal
ft_EscCode() Convert Lotus style escape codes
ft_Hex2Dec() Convert a hex number to decimal
ft_InvClr() Get the inverse of a color
ft_NToW() Translate numeric value to words
ft_Sqzn() Compress a numeric value into a character string
ft_SToD() Convert a date string to a Clipper date data type
ft_Unsqzn() Uncompress a numeric compressed by ft_Sqzn()
ft_XToY() Convert from any data type to any other data type
ft_AcctAdj() Adjust beginning or ending fiscal pd. dates to acctg. dates
ft_AcctMonth() Return accounting month data
ft_AcctQtr() Return accounting quarter data
ft_AcctWeek() Return accounting week data
ft_AcctYear() Return accounting year data
ft_AddWkDy() Return true number of days to add given number of workdays
ft_Calendar() Display date/time calendar, find a date, return calendar data.
ft_Civ2Mil() Convert usual civilian format time to military time.
ft_DateCnfg() Set beginning of year/week for ft_*() date functions
ft_DayOfYr() Return calendar, fiscal or accounting day data
ft_DayToBoW() Calculate no. of days between date and beginning of week
ft_DoY() Find number of day within year
ft_Easter() Return the date of Easter
ft_ElapMin() Return difference, in minutes, between two mil format times.
ft_Elapsed() Return elapsed time between two days and/or times
ft_ElTime() Compute difference between times in hours, minutes, seconds.
ft_FDay() Return first day of the month
ft_LDay() Return last day of the month
ft_MAdd() Add or subtract months to/from a date
ft_Mil2Civ() Convert time in military format to civilian format.
ft_Mil2Min() Convert time in military format to number of minute of day.
ft_Min2Dhm() Convert numeric minutes to days, hours and minutes.
ft_Min2Mil() Convert minute of day to military format time.
ft_Month() Return Calendar or Fiscal Month Data
ft_Qtr() Return Calendar or Fiscal Quarter Data.
ft_Sys2Mil() Convert system time to military time format.
ft_Week() Return calendar or fiscal week data
ft_Workdays() Return number of work days between two dates
ft_WoY() Find number of week within year
ft_Year() Return calendar or fiscal year data
ft_ChDir() Change the current directory
ft_Default() Retrieve and optionally change the current default drive
ft_DosVer() Return the current DOS major and minor version as a string
ft_DskFree() Return the amount of available disk space
ft_DskSize() Return the maximum capacity of a fixed disk
ft_FlopTst() Test diskette drive status
ft_inp() Retrieve a byte from a specified I/O port
ft_int86() Execute a software interrupt
ft_IAmIdle() Inform the operating system that the application is idle.
ft_IsPrint() Check printer status
ft_IsShare() Determine if DOS "Share" is installed
ft_MkDir() Create a subdirectory
ft_outp() Write a byte to a specified I/O port
ft_Peek() Retrieve a byte from a specified memory location.
ft_Poke() Write a byte to a specified memory location
ft_Reboot() Force a warm or cold boot
ft_RmDir() Delete a subdirectory
ft_SetDate() Set the DOS system date
ft_SetTime() Set the DOS system time
ft_SysMem() Determine the amount of conventional memory installed
ft_TempFil() Create a file with a unique name
ft_GetE() Return the entire current environment
ft_Linked() Determine if a function was linked in
ft_Origin() Report the drive, path and filename of the current program
ft_RestSets() Restore status of all SET command settings
ft_SaveSets() Save the status of all the SET command settings
ft_SetCentury() Check/Set the CENTURY Setting
ft_Idle() Generate an idle event to allow incremental garbage collection.
ft_OnIdle() Evaluate a designated code block during idle states.
ft_OnTick() Evaluate a designated code block at a designated interval.
File I/O
ft_DFClose() Close file displayed by ft_DispFile()
ft_DFSetup() Set up parameters for ft_DispFile()
ft_DispFile() Browse a text file
ft_FAppend() Appends a line to the currently selected text file
ft_FBof() Determine if attempt to skip past beginning of text file
ft_FDelete() Deletes a line from the currently selected text file
ft_FEof() Determine if end of text file has been encountered
ft_FError() Return the error code for a text file operation
ft_FGoBot() Go to the last record in a text file
ft_FGoto() Move record pointer to specific record in a text file
ft_FGoTop() Go to the first record in a text file
ft_FInsert() Inserts a line in the currently selected text file
ft_FLastRe() Get the no. of records in the currently selected text file
ft_FReadLn() Read a line from the currently selected text file
ft_FRecNo() Return the current record number of a text file
ft_FSelect() Select a text file workarea
ft_FSkip() Move the record pointer to a new position in a text file
ft_FUse() Open or close a text file for use by the ft_F*() functions
ft_FWriteLn() Write a line to the currently selected text file
ft_Pegs() PEGS GAME (all work and no play...)
ft_Alt() Determine status of the Alt key
ft_CapLock() Determine and optionally change the status of CapLock key
ft_Ctrl() Determine status of the Ctrl key
ft_LastKey() Force LastKey() to return a programmer-defined value.
ft_MButPrs() Retrieve button press status
ft_MButRel() Get mouse button release information
ft_MCOnOff() Turn mouse cursor off if in specified region
ft_MCursor() Set the mouse cursor
ft_MDblClk() Return true if a double click was detected
ft_MDefCrs() Define the mouse cursor
ft_MGetCoord() Get mouse cursor position (text coord.) and button status
ft_MGetPage() Get the display page for the mouse pointer
ft_MGetPos() Get mouse cursor position and button status
ft_MGetSens() Get the mouse sensitivity parameters
ft_MGetX() Get mouse cursor row position
ft_MGetY() Get mouse cursor column position
ft_MHideCrs() Decrement internal mouse cursor flag and hide mouse cursor
ft_MInit() Initialize the mouse driver, vars and return status of mouse
ft_MInRegion() Test if the mouse cursor is in the passed region
ft_MMickeys() Get mickeys
ft_MReset() Reset mouse driver and return status of mouse
ft_MSetCoord() Position the mouse cursor using text screen coordinates
ft_MSetPage() Set the display page for the mouse pointer
ft_MSetPos() Position the mouse cursor using virtual screen coordinates
ft_MSetSens() Set the mouse sensitivity parameters
ft_MShowCrs() Increment internal cursor flag and display mouse cursor
ft_MVersion() Get the mouse driver version
ft_MXLimit() Set vertical bounds of mouse using virtual screen coord.
ft_MYLimit() Set horizontal bounds of mouse using virtual screen coordinates
ft_NumLock() Return status of NumLock key
ft_PrtScr() Enable or disable the Print Screen key
ft_PutKey() Stuff a keystroke into the keyboard buffer
ft_ScanCode() Wait for key-press and return keyboard scan code
ft_SetRate() Set the keyboard delay and repeat rate on PC/AT & PS/2
ft_Shift() Determine status of shift key
ft_SInkey() Replacement for Inkey() that tests for
ft_GCD() Calculate greatest common divisor of two numbers
ft_NetPV() Calculate net present value
ft_Rand1() Generate a random number
ft_Round() Rounds a number to a specific place
ft_NWLStat() Return the current Novell NetWare logical station number
ft_NWSemClose() Close a NetWare semaphore
ft_NWSemEx() Examine a NetWare semaphore's value and open count
ft_NWSemLock() Perform a semaphore "lock"
ft_NWSemOpen() Open or create a NetWare semaphore
ft_NWSemSig() Signal a NetWare semaphore (increment)
ft_NWSemUnlock() "Unlock" a semaphore locked by ft_NWSemLock()
ft_NWSemWait() Wait on a NetWare semaphore (decrement)
ft_NWUID() Return the current Novell NetWare User ID
ft_At2() Find position of the nth occurrence of a substring
ft_BitClr() Clear (reset) selected bit in a byte
ft_BitSet() Set selected bit in a byte
ft_ByteAnd() Perform bit-wise AND on two ASCII characters (bytes)
ft_ByteNeg() Perform bit-wise negation on an ASCII character
ft_ByteNot() Perform bit-wise NOT on an ASCII character (byte)
ft_ByteOr() Perform bit-wise OR on two ASCII characters (bytes)
ft_ByteXor() Perform bit-wise XOR on two ASCII characters (bytes)
ft_Color2N() Returns the numeric complement of a Clipper color string
ft_FindITh() Find the "ith" occurrence of a substring within a string
ft_IsBit() Test the status of an individual bit
ft_IsBitOn() Determine the state of individual bits in a number
ft_Metaph() Convert a character string to MetaPhone format
ft_N2Color() Returns the string complement of a Clipper color number
ft_NoOccur() Find the number of times one string occurs in another
ft_PChr() Convert printer control codes
ft_Proper() Convert a string to proper-name case
ft_RAt2() Find position of the reversed nth occurrence of a substring
ft_Adapter() Report the type of video adapter installed
ft_CLS() Clear screen
ft_GetMode() Get the video mode
ft_GetVCur() Return info about the cursor on a specified video page
ft_GetVPg() Get the currently selected video page
ft_PopVid() Restore previously saved video states.
ft_PushVid() Save current video states on internal stack.
ft_RestAtt() Restore the attribute bytes of a specified screen region.
ft_RevAttr() Reverse colors of specified screen coordinates
ft_RevChr() Reverse the color of a single character on the screen
ft_RgnStack() Push or pop a saved screen region on or off the stack
ft_RstRgn() Restore region of the screen saved with ft_SavRgn()
ft_SaveAtt() Save the attribute bytes of a specified screen region.
ft_SavRgn() Save a screen region for later display
ft_SetAttr() Change color attributes of screen region
ft_SetMode() Set the video mode
ft_SetVCur() Set the cursor position on a specified video page
ft_SetVPg() Set the current video page
ft_Shadow() Draw a non-destructive shadow on the screen
ft_VidStr() Display string on screen in specified attribute
ft_WrtChr() Display character on screen
hbxpp lib
Bin2U() Convert unsigned long encoded bytes into Harbour numeric
U2Bin() Convert Harbour numeric into unsigned long encoded bytes
W2Bin() Convert Harbour numeric into unsigned short encoded bytes
User interface
dbSkipper() Helper function to skip a database
hbziparc lib
Zip Functions
hb_GetZipComment() Return the comment of an zip file
hb_SetDiskZip() Set a codeblock for disk changes
hb_SetZipComment() Set an Zip archive Comment
hb_UnzipFile() Unzip a compressed file
hb_ZipDeleteFiles() Delete files from an zip archive
hb_ZipFile() Create a zip file
hb_ZipFileByPKSpan() Create a zip file on removable media
hb_ZipFileByTDSpan() Create a zip file
hb_ZipTestPK() Test pkSpanned zip files
rddads lib
ADS Overview Advantage Database Server RDD
Advantage Database RDD
AdsBlob2File() Write a Binary (memo) field's contents to a file
AdsCacheOpenCursors() Provides caching of open cursors
AdsCacheOpenTables() Provides caching of open tables
AdsClearAOF() Clears an Advantage Optimized Filter in the current workarea.
AdsCloseCachedTables() Close all cached tables on the given connection
AdsClrCallback() Clears the callback set by AdsRegCallback().
AdsConnect60() Connect to a local/remote/internet server
AdsCustomizeAOF() Add or remove records from an existing AOF
AdsDDAddTable() Add a new table to a Data dictionary
AdsEvalAOF() Evaluate a filter expression to determine its optimization level
AdsFile2Blob() Save a Binary file to a field
AdsGetAOF() Retrieve the filter expression used in the call to AdsSetAOF()
AdsGetAOFNoOpt() Return the non-optimized portion of the current filter expression
AdsGetAOFOptLevel() Returns optimization level of the current AOF filter
AdsGetConnectionType() Returns the type of Server used by the given connection handle.
AdsGetLastError() Returns any error code generated by the most recent ADS API call
AdsGetRelKeyPos() Estimated key position of current record within the current index
AdsGetTableConType() Returns the type of Server used by current workarea.
AdsIsExprValid() Determine if the ADS server can parse an expression
AdsIsIndexed() Fast determination for if current workarea has a selected index
AdsIsRecordInAOF() Determine if a record is in the current AOF
AdsKeyCount() Retrieve the number of keys in a specified index
AdsKeyNo() Get the logical key number of the current record in the given index
AdsLocking() Turns on/off the Advantage proprietary locking mode
AdsRefreshAOF() Update the filter snapshot
AdsRegCallback() For Progress displays: Sets a codeblock to be called during indexing
AdsRightsCheck() Sets the "rights checking" setting for opening files
AdsSetAOF() Create an Advantage Optimized Filter
AdsSetCharType() Sets the type of character data expected when opening tables.
AdsSetDefault() * Get/Set function for ADS's DEFAULT setting.
AdsSetDeleted() * Get/Set function for ADS's AdsShowDeleted() setting.
AdsSetExact() * Get/Set function for ADS's AdsSetExact() setting.
AdsSetRelKeyPos() Go to the given estimated key position within the current index
AdsSetSearchPath() * Get/Set function for ADS's AdsSetSearchPath() setting.
AdsTestRecLocks() Turn On or Off a "debug mode" for trapping missed record locks.